Tuesday Top 10: Sick Signs

May 19, 2010 00:17

This one came to mind when i was recovering from the flu (or whatever it was) and i was talking on an online community about the inability to hide my ears from child-noises. I still haven't quite recovered fully, there's a little lingering cough, but i'm feeling loads better.

So here they are, the top 10 ways to tell i'm not feeling well, those that aren't direct symptoms most other people display.

1: I suddenly lose interest in things i normally obsessively enjoy, especially music.
2: I take more than one steaming hot bath a day for 2-3 days. It probably kills the water supply, but it feels so good.
3: Woohoo, i lost my voice AGAIN! (not always, didn't happen this time, but often enough!)
4: Brain doesn't work. Try again later.
5: I don't want to go outside, no matter how nice it might be.
6: Less laundry - everything normal lasts another week because all i wear are pajamas/house lounging clothes.
7: A new roll of toilet paper goes awfully fast. Facial tissue fibers crumble too much and make things worse. (I bet it's intentional.)
8: Aside from taking hot baths and attempting to sleep, all i want to do is play mindless electronic card games and simple book puzzles.
9: Bath, bed, Halls, Neti Pot, and (if i'm feeling at all like eating) orange juice and cheap salty noodle soups are all i want. I'll tolerate quiet company of someone i love and will very much appreciate the care, but i won't cuddle.
10: Most people get oversensitive to sensory things - mine triples on top of "normal" hypersensitivity. Children screaming outside are unbearable, and i'm too weak, sore, and overstimulated to pursue my usual effective avoidance techniques. The bedroom (with comfy bed) tends to have a window for less isolation. Solutions: drowning out the sounds with my own moaning and whimpering or finding somewhat of a refuge in the bathroom if i can get there.

sick, ttt

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