[April 11, 2019 : Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth]

Jan 31, 2010 19:01

Title: Late Morning
Characters Involved: Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright
Approximate Time of Day: 8:59 AM
Location: Phoenix's Apartment
Summary (so far): Having forgotten to reset the alarm the night before, Edgeworth is forced to wake up Phoenix himself.
Completed?: [y/n]

It was Edgeworth's internal clock that woke him up just around sunrise, but he didn't have any business at the Prosecutor's Office until later in the morning. With the house signing that day and no investigations on his plate, Edgeworth wasn't as characteristically busy as he normally was. Of course, there was always some work to be done, and while he had no doubt that his lull in activity would change soon, the prosecutor was simply contented by the fact that he didn't have to part from the warm bed just yet.

Sometime during the night, Edgeworth had come untangled with Phoenix, and he'd managed to support himself on the edge of the bed as the defense attorney sprawled himself out amongst the remainder of it. The comforter that they shared was partially buried underneath Phoenix, wrapped haphazardly around his limbs with only the corner of it remaining to cover the prosecutor. Shifting to face Phoenix, Edgeworth offered a scowl to the sleeping form of his lover before attempting to gingerly tug the comforter loose. When this wasn't successful - and the movement had done nothing to stir Phoenix - Edgeworth gave up, deciding instead to settle close against the defense attorney's side, leeching his warmth and taking up as much of the comforter as he could without prying it from the defense attorney's death grip.

Though his sleep wasn't exactly restful, Edgeworth managed to obtain a few more hours of it before he awoke once more, feeling completely rested this time. He wasn't exactly sure how he accomplished it, but he'd somehow become tangled with the defense attorney again during his slumber, his head nestled up against Phoenix's chest with both his legs curled around Phoenix's left leg. With a yawn, he shifted up onto his elbow, his eyes reflexively moving to the alarm clock to check the time.

8:59 AM. Wasn't Phoenix usually at work by now?

Glancing down at the passed out defense attorney below him, Edgeworth gently began shaking his shoulder. "...Phoenix," he muttered softly, his voice low and groggy from his still tired state. "Phoenix, wake up." The shaking became gradually more urgent as he tried to piece together Phoenix's usual morning schedule (have I really spent so few mornings with him?), his grip on the defense attorney's shoulder tightening slightly.

phoenix wright, miles edgeworth

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