Sorry If This Is Offending

Sep 25, 2005 14:00

I don't know why this is happening. It's not fair, not that life ever is, but especially now. If there was ever a hope that God was real I think thats pretty much shot to hell now. That's right, I'm done trying to believe. If he was real, my grandma wouldn't be sitting in a hospital bed Slowly going brain dead right now. She wouldn't be laying ( Read more... )

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Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... fizzyrootbeer71 September 25 2005, 18:39:22 UTC
I am seriously happy that you feel the same way
And just like you
I feel like we are somewhat "qualified"
To talk about religion like this
Because like you, I went to both a Catholic and Luthern school and obviously religion class as well as going to mass during the week and on sunday was required.
I know the stories, and the bible. It's not like Im speaking ignorantly about something I know nothing about.
I hate to speak like this when I know that some people put so much faith in God, and I didnt say it to offend anyone. But I honestly cant sit hear and wait for my gma to die knowing that "God is watching over her and this is his plan for her". I just dont understand how people can justify all the bad things that occur in the world by saying its in his plan. And on top of that, most of God's so-called believers only turn to him when bad things happen. I didn't know that faith was optional. And you use it whenever you happen to need it. And I cant stand people that are like that. So im not gunna sit here and beocme a beleiver of God just because my gma is dying, instead Im just going to be more up front about my feelings of religion. Ive held it back for so long. But after everythings thats been happening, not just for my family but across the world, I cant sit here any longer and pretend like I believe in god when honestly i feel its such a hoax. Thanks for everything katrina Its jsut good to know that Im not the only one


Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... not_enough_luv September 25 2005, 21:54:38 UTC
Wow. I've never thought
about that, but now that I think about it
you're totally right.Uhh this is just so gay
fuck this shit. Im sick of it.

I love you keep your hopes up.

-Katie ♥


Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... fizzyrootbeer71 September 25 2005, 21:57:15 UTC
Yeah, thats the thing
I mean you and I went to the same school
We had to go through classes of religion
And go to church
Im not saying give up your beliefs
But dont just follow everyone because
thats the right thing to do.
If you really believe in God then good
But if you have your doubts then dont just let it go
Think for yourself and make your own thoughts on it
I love you so much katie
And we are going to get through this babe <3

[x] Ashley


Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... fizzyrootbeer71 September 25 2005, 21:59:35 UTC
Okay so I'm hopefully putting this in annonymous if not I wouldnt care because I myself am a witness of Christ. I just don't want you to hate me for preaching like this but I'm not trying to because I can clearly see after all you wrote you wouldn't want to read a preachers note to you.. (I'm not a preacher.. I'm a normal teenager too)

Okay so yeah I've been a Christmas since like.. as long as I remember and went to a Lutheran school, and still do. I go to church regularly and all that kinda stuff and until maybe a few months ago and ecspecially recently my faith was just as good as yours sounds.

Is God real? Theres so many unanswered questions.. it dosen't seem like a loving and caring God would do the things he did.. your examples of the tsunami and hurricanes and your grandma dying. But it's all life. Everything has a beginining and everything has an end. Your choosing your own paths in life.. it's your free will. And I'm sure you know all about that. God just knows whats going to happen. Of course he has control of it and of course he designed your life to go that way. So yeah.. he's doing all these bad things and your 100% correct about that. (Well actually Satan is.. but God has control of that, too) You know what I'm talking about.. since you did get all this preached to you I'm sure many times in your life.

But when I lose faith and don't know where to turn here is what I think about.. and I'm hoping, as a Christian, you can maybe utilize what I'm going to tell you and my hope and prayer is that you turn your life (faith life..) back around, hopefully:

Okay here it goes.. We're only humans living in a 3 dimensional world. God is God and is probably living in a 4 or 5 dimensional world where he's in the past present and future. And yes, we're only humans and we have a million and one questions without answers. And I'm full aware that you know that when we get to heaven we will know all the answers to all the questions. With all your questions you have now (Is there a God.. and such) will be answered when you go there.. So dosen't that make you want to go there since thats the only way you are going to get comfort and your answers, too?? And your friend had said "what does it matter what we do in our afterlife.. (when were dead)?" Well yeah.. our lives are what?? 100 years or so long? And then the rest of eternity is forever and no stop ever ever ever.. Well would you like to live in paradise forever or something the complete opposite? I'm sure I know what everyones answer would be to that question, at least the most sensable one.

And I know there is more to faith then that. And you have to dig deep to see it. Sorry if that was all a waste of time and didn't do anything But my prayer is that it did or maybe just a little bit of something that everyone is going to give you and turn your beliefs back around. If you want to talk more about it just comment another comment under this one and I can see what I can do.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life.

He died for you.. so hopefully you give backadvantage and take of the wonderful gift of HEAVEN!!


Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... katrina_alyse September 25 2005, 23:36:11 UTC
That all sounds completely sensible.

I just don't think I can honestly bare the thought of having to wait until I'm dead to figure out what exactly this world is here for, or who created it...ect...

It's pretty much like rolling a dice and hoping that you were raised in the right faith.

All these so called Christians have all this faith that their religion is the religion that will gain them access to this paradise, or "heaven"...

But honestly I have heard convincing arguements from a wide variety of religions.

So all in all it's just guesswork, and you never really know if you've decided to follow the correct religion, because I don't care how much of this crap called faith you have, you still doubt your decision.

Christians look at Muslims like they are going to go to hell. And Muslims look at Christians like they aren't going to be "saved" either.
Pretty much you never KNOW whether you're choosing the right path. So why waste the time and thought on it.

If God loved us so damn much he'd accept the fact that he created to idiots named Adam & Eve who were bound to sin. Now we are all "sinners" which according to Christian faith is the reason people are non-believers or other religions. So he should love everyone. Regardless of what "religion" or denomination they are. As long as we as humans can grasp onto the concept that we were created by a higher power, we should be granted acceptance into this heaven when we die.

Is it really fair that non-believers, or people that will not commit to a certain faith, are banished to go burn in hell for eternity, because GOD created US as destined sinners.



Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... fizzyrootbeer71 September 26 2005, 01:03:21 UTC
I completely agree with you
I mean how can you know for sure that the path you are following is the "right one". there is no way you can be sure. and another thing. in the past and even in the present religion has created such tension between one another. People look down on one another or situations have even turned hostile. I dont blame this on "God" neccessarily, but I dont think that this is how religion is intended to be. First of all i think its a private not public subject. We shouldnt have to all go to church every sunday just to profess our love and faith for God. If we have that faith he should know, because afterall doesnt he know everything anyways. I also dislike how the christian community. More specifically the Catholics look down and almost condemn the gay community. Thats just rediuculous. God is supposed to love everyone for who they are no matter what. Who honestly gives a flying fuck if they are gay or straight. And also, the thoughts on suicide. Yes i think its selfish and a stupid choice but its going to happen. So why should people supposedly go "straight to hell" I think that if someone is in that much pain and turmoil that "God" should have intervened long before they thought of pulling the trigger or hanigng themselves w/e


Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... fizzyrootbeer71 September 26 2005, 00:42:32 UTC
Don't worry I wont hate you regardless weather you post this annonymously or if you post it under your accually livejournal. I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I don't look down on those who don't share the same opinion as me. I just dont think that would be right of me. And even though I don't share the same views I still appreciate the time you took to say all of this.

In a lot of ways our begingings are similar. I also went to a Luthern School ( I also went to a Catholic school) And I attented church regularly. I also went though confermation classes also. But even through all that I've had my doubts concerning God. My mom always told me to keep an open mind because i doubted him so much. She told me to go through confermation class and see how that went. Thinking it would clear up some of the questions I had regarding God, I went. But unfortunately when the Pastor couldn't respond to my questions in a fashion that I found satisfying it just put more doubt within me.

I guess how I think of it is, Im not going to place all of my trust, heart, and soul with someone I know nothing about. It seems a little to risky to devout my life to someone whom no one is sure is really exsistent. I mean do you honestly for 100% fact know that God is real? I realize that all these bad things that happen are purely apart of life. And thats more or less what I'm getting at. Life is what YOU make of it, not what GOD makes of it. Ultimately we are the controlers of our lives. Everyday we are faced with millions of decisions. From small ones (ex- what color shirt should i wear today) to big life changing ones ( ex- should i drive this car even though i drank a whole bottle of vodka)? God has nothing to do with that, that is all you. That is your thinking, reasoning, mentality, personality ex. Those decisions regardless of the seriousness of them contribute to the destiny of your life.

Honestly, I don't think that God is exsistent. I think that he is more of a comfort then an accually entity. God is what people have created in order to make themselves feel like somone is out there watching out for them. And trust me, I wish with every bone in my body that I could for a moment have someone watching out for me but when it comes down to it we are here alone on this world. If you are lucky, you have your friends and family amongst you to keep you safe. But that is it. If God is truley "looking out for you" I dont think he would have let a 10 year old girl get raped and murdered ( for example). I dont think that is a very good plan that He has if He is allowing this to go on down here on earth. If people feel comfort knowing they have a relationship with God then good. But I take no comfort in it, because I feel no relationship between us.

And as for the afterlife. I wish I could believe that there is a better place where we can live in for all eternity. That death is only a temperary separetion between the living and those in "heaven". I want to know that all my loved once have passed on and gone to a place away from pain and full of hapiness. But once again, how do we know this really excsists. And so, as you say, my questions will become answered when I go there. That's great, but what good will it be when I live my life in such a doubt that my unfaithfulness prevents me from going into heaven anways. So yes, do you want me to admit that im affraid of "Hell" if there is one. Of course. I think about this everytime I say I dont beleive in God. Because No i dont know for sure but that is my main belief. But if there is a god the there is a hell and im prolly headed there. But I think that id rather be true to myself then fake my faith and beleive in god just so i can get in. If im going to be a beleiver I want to be one for real and not jsut so i can get into heaven. I want to feel that relationship with God and not feel alone. But till I feel that, then I will remain as I am, a non-believer.

But as i said earlier I appreciate your comment
And I do want to hear what you have to say
Dont take what I say as a personal attack on you
Im mearly saying what i feel/think


Re: So I wrote you a novel about my thoughts on religion... fizzyrootbeer71 October 9 2005, 23:30:59 UTC
Hey it's annonymous again.. I know that sounds cheesy.

I'm really glad you have an open mind though.
It could be a good tool to lead you in a diffrent path eventually.
Sometimes I feel the same way.
I pray hoping God will lead me in his direction and not astray.
Understanding that your afraid of Hell and you would rather believe for real then for fake I'm going to pray for you.. hoping that it will lead you back.

I hope you think its a good thing.. <3


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