Aug 12, 2006 15:38
Where to start?
I started out not knowing anyone except Karen and Marissa, and I hardly saw them at all. I was in a single, and two of my suitemates already knew each other and one showed up late (there was 7 of us including me). So I made friends with the girl next door to me, Katie. She's funny. She called me a "wet noodle".
Then I had classes. My 1st pd. class was ok, but not really remarkable.
2nd pd. was World Religions. For those of you surprised I was taking it, well, it was amazing. I loved that class so freaking much. I was excited to go each day. The people, the teacher, it was just so fun. We performed an echo feminist grounding ritual and did whirling dervishes (involving spinning in circles with your eyes open). We played Islamic Jeopardy and learned about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I met Cocoa Puff (aka Kristin) and we went to Hell's Kitchen and back (in search of CNN). And people in my class gushed over LOTR, Phantom, Rent, and Shakespeare, and Emil from Denmark taught us about Cakeoism.
mini course was yoga and the room was SO hot.
I don't remember the main event.
Tuesday was Casino Night (as in Diana playing lots of Hold 'Em Poker and going ALL IN!)
Wednesday was Harvard/Tufts trip, in which Diana decided she hated Harvard and fell in love with Tufts. And also met two super cool people by the name of Leilani and Niyati. And had an awesome wrap at Au Bon Pain.
And the bus broke down.
And then there was the concert which sucked, but allowed me to get to know people better. I don't even remember how I got to know some of them originally.
And there was finding "good grass" and Katie hating grass and sitting in circles talking and feeling sleepy. And doing my homework at midnight.
And going to Newport and getting coffee syrup to make coffee milk just for the hell of it. And jelly everywhere. And red water. And watching Airplane! and Clue. And the bus breaking down AGAIN.
And Shakespeare kicking butt.
And then SPAMALOT! And Niya asking if I could French braid.
Oh and wandering around Hell's Kitchen looking for CNN after the NBC tour.
And our awesome RA taking us to Tasti D-lite.
And going to the very top of the air conditioned LC, getting yelled at by someone, getting pissed off at Anthony with the chalk, doing yoga in the LC and trying to hide there.
And watching The Breakfast Club.
And the dirt cups and ice cream sandwiches. And the rain.
The dance at Toad's Place.
All the events in the ridiculously hot University Theatre.
Breaking a social norm day. Anthony dressing emo.
In general, Ariel going crazy on caffeine mints and talking about Jew camp and camp songs, Sharmei being Hong Kongnese and obsessed with Coldstone and having some coffee. And freezing bananas and grapes. Wandering around the quad. Leilani taking a picture of Katie, me, and Alejandro pretending to be hens. Leilani being hypnotized.
Rubbing the lucky foot. Seeing "Hug the Lions" written all over the quad. Squirrels darting through the 5th floor window. Drinking bubble tea with Cydni. Eating at the burrito place with Sam. Eating at Ivy Noodle and ordering Chinese food. Learning the Bingham shake.
I watched the slideshow and almost started crying when they started playing Wonderwall. But then the slideshow ended, and the song got cut off so I was ok. And then there was the dance, and we had a huge circle and the guys in the middle were going crazy. And then we looked for water desparately. And then we had 15 minutes before we had to go back to our buildings so we lied down on the grass. The grass was perfect and smelled nice and grassy and we were lying on each other (I had someone on my stomach and on my leg) and just chatting and laughing and looking at the cloudy sky.
And then it was morning and then everyone left and people cried like crazy. And there was lots of hugs. And then it was over.
And the sad part is I'm probably forgetting so many other good memories we had...
I wonder, is it better to have something glorious and then lose it than to never have known it existed at all?