My Aiden Grimshaw fan book - Why You Should Sign Aiden Grimshaw!

Jan 01, 2011 23:02

Hey hey hey!

As you all may know, I am a HUGE Aiden Grimshaw fan and if you use Twitter in the UK , you should also see that we have been trending topics about getting Aiden signed a lot recently.

So I thought I would try and help by doing a little project everyone can take part in!

I will be making a book of "reasons" from fans on why a record company should sign Aiden!
The book will be called "Why You Should Sign Aiden Grimshaw!"

It's like an extended petition. With a petition, you just sign your name and nothing more but with this, you're giving a reason for signing it so it's not like you could be signing it for the sake of it.

So here's the info that you should need for now :

My Twitter is!/GrimshawGirls!!!
This is a must know because I will be tweeting about the project more from there!

I would love the book to get around 100 reasons at the least! The more the merrier!

Your reason should be short and sweet. We only need to convince them you'll buy Aiden's records because if we give the companies 1000 essays, they will probably fall asleep before reading them all! We want to convince them, not bore them to death!

So here's the rules for the reasons!
☺ They should be more than 50 words but less than 250.
If your message is just slightly out of the limits then I'll still include them! No point in chasing you up just to add 3 more or take away 3 words, eh?
This is just a recomendation though! If your message is less than 50 or more than 250, I shall accept it! :D
☺ Mention why you love his music! You give them 250 words saying you think he's fit and he'll end up with a modelling contract and as much as that would be great, we are trying to convince them to sign him for an album.
☺ Don't be rude! We're nice people, show that in your reason!
☺ Try to aim away from "bad" comparissons. Eg, don't say anything like he's better than Katie Waissel. As much as I agree with that, you might not be taken as seriously. We want you to be taken seriously!

You can also send in pictures to go with your reasons.
It's not a must, but some people might want to send in pics which I am fine with! :D
The pictures will go in a section in the middle of the book that will purely be for pictures! I imagine there will be around 4 pages but if more is needed, then so be it!
The pics should be showing your support for Aiden. So the pic can be :
☺ you meeting Aiden,
☺ you wearing something that shows you support him (Something like a "I ♥ Aiden" hoodie, you sporting a quiff and outfit like Aiden's)
☺ you just holding a sign saying something like "I ♥ Aiden" or "Team Aiden" or anything like that!
☺Make sure the pic is not explicit or anything so no rude gestures in the pic and make sure you're wearing enough :')

The cover
The cover will mainly consist of the title.
The title will be a series of pictures of fans holding a piece of paper with a letter from the title.
Like someone will hold a piece of paper with the letter "A" for Aiden and someone else will hold a piece of paper with the letter "u" which is in Should, ect, ect!
You can also ask to be the person holding the piece of paper for the exclamation mark!

The letter must be clear! If the letter is not clear, your pic might not be used!
Tweet me which letter you want to use! It is a case of first come, first served, however!

You can send your reasons and pictures to me by the following :
☺ Dm me them
☺ E-Mail me. The e-mail is

Also, tell me your name, age and where you come from.
It's optional to add your age but we want to prove your human.

The Raffle!!!
I am throwing a raffle for those that take part in the book!!! If you send in a message or picture, you are automatically entered into the raffle!!!

The prizes will mainly be things from the X-Factor tour such as posters, keyrings, stuff like that! 
I will buy 2 of everything that I can!
 The winner will get a goodie set with loads of Aiden stuff!

The runners up will get an Aiden goodie too! :D
So take part in the book! If you don't take part, you don't get in the raffle. Simples :P

The deadlines!
1st of February for Mesages and pictures!
15th of January for Cover pictures!
If your message and/or picture for inside the book is not in on time, then it will not be used!

If your cover picture is not in on time, I will ask someone else to do it for you!

Tweet me any queries you have!

Common Questions :

If I'm in the cover, can I still be in the book?


I haven't got any pictures to send in. Can I still be in the book?

Yes. You only have to send in a message at the least! A picture is not needed.

I don't know what to put in the message exactly.
Just say why you like Aiden, why you think he appeals to other people and convince the record company manager that will be reading your message that you'll buy his album!

When you say "tell us where you come from", what do you mean?

I mean the area you come from. It doesn't have to be your adress, just the city or area you come from eg ; Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Essex, ect

I can't e-mail you the message or DM you on Twitter because you aren't following me.
Just tweet me on twitter to follow you and you can DM me then!

PS : This entry may be editied due to future changes if they need to be made so please keep looking out for anything new!

Thanks for reading!
Kerry xxx

why you should sign aiden grimshaw fan p

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