Mar 29, 2005 15:47
well i dont really feel like saying much but just to update. i got grounded during spring break on tuesday night i think. so therefor it sucked completely nd utterly no way to explain how much it sucked tush. lost ma laptop nd wasnt allowed to do anythin nd had to be under ma moms wing all the time so she could watch me. wen monday came i was like nervous bout skool, it was like going to skool on the first day u no. like i hadnt seen anyone nd it seemed like forever nd i wasnt sure if things were changed or wat?
today in PE- we played "gould ball" nd we were playing with wooden raquets. weeeelllllllll.......since we all know how cordinated becci is lol. she was attempting to hit the ball nd instead totally missed the ball nd hit her face. it was one of those moments where u look at that person nd just start laughin nd say, "wow" well i went over concerned thro my laughter nd said are u ok nd i hear "O MY EYE!" so we established her eye was still in the socket nd then a lump on becci's forehead formed. very funny.
spring break 2005 is now over. nd i am finished updating.
*edit* ok so ma mom tells me the other day that ma dad wants me to take anger management class's. WTH! yea i didnt no wat to think. i really felt like laughin at her but i didnt wana get grounded again for being rude. she said it was becuz of the other night wen they thought i was "abducted" wen really i just went for a walk cuz i was extremely upset nd angry. apparently he said theres something wrong becuz a gurl my age shouldnt have anger like that?? w.e. i aint taking no anger management classes