"there's never a wish better than this"

Mar 15, 2009 16:02

Hallo friends! I found myself home and relaxing on this fine Sunday, so I thought I would give a small update on my current life.

I feel the need to share my funny realization that, even though I'm not taking classes or doing anything work-wise that will be relieved come May, I am still eagerly awaiting the approach of summer, because there are lots of people in my life that are in school, and they are so busy with classes I rarely get to see them. So, hurry up end to the semester! I miss my friends!

Another realization I had this week is that not having school in my life has stopped my awareness of the passage of time. It occurred to me this week that it had been exactly a year since I've seen one of my friends, and it blew my mind how such a great amount of time only seemed like a couple months. See, when I'm in school, I have very distinct frames of time that make it easy to measure my life. It kind of reminds me of high school when, during the fall, I lived my life week by week with band competitions every weekend to measure time. And then, spring would come, and that half of the year always ran together without something to do all the time. I mean, there would be specific spans that would stick out, like musicals, and concerts, but without that weekly event, it was a little hard to keep track of life. Well, now that I'm out of school, I have a very similar feeling. It seems like time kind of stopped in May, and it's weird that I know time is still moving forward for other people, but I'm just still in the same spot, doing the same thing that I've been doing for 9 months. It may sound like I'm complaining or unhappy with this, but I'm really not at all upset or frustrated by this position. The spot that I'm in has brought me so much to be thankful for, and I'm amazingly lucky to find myself in the situation I'm in. I have wonderful friends, with wonderful things for me to do, and I have a job, a job that I'm happy with for now and provides me with enough of an income that I'm more than comfortable, and am not scraping to get by. I just need to remember that however skewed my perception of time is, I need to remember that these years a important and I need to live them and enjoy them in the fullest.

I do need to keep in mind that, while I'm doing okay income-wise right now, I have a ton of weddings coming up in the next couple of months (3 of which I'm a part of!), and I really need to make sure I'm saving money for traveling, and for things to wear to these weddings, and for the many gifts that I want to give my friends that I'm so very happy and excited for. It's going to be an exciting year, one full of marriages and babies and new friendships and old friendships growing stonger and so many things to celebrate these milestones in life. I look forward to it ^_^

Missing you all greatly, and hoping your lives are as blessed as mine.
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