DOOOOOMMM! (and by 'doom', I mean the opposite of doom)

Aug 21, 2008 20:55

So ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh, I finally have a permanent residence! And it is most lovely! Saturday I moved the majority of the stuff I have with me over to my new little house in Rockville. And Sunday we moved the rest (including a mattress the Brubakers are letting me borrow). It was a little weird at first. No one was home over the weekend, but, luckily Lindsay came back (after a month of being away cuz of recovering from surgery when she donated her kidney to her brother), so I wasn't completely alone my first night.

Monday was for exploring! The transportation to and from work was easy enough to figure out, so I got home early enough on Monday to do some fun things. So, my power adapter, after finally giving out (and by giving out I mean, it was totally fried... smoke and all), was in need of replacement, so I took a lovely walk from the White Flint station to White Flint Mall. It was only a 15 or 20 minute walk, which is really nice to know I can get there so easily. Along the way, curiosity drove me to stop at a local magic shop that was really fun, and they had an over-energetic, adorable, playful border collie there (not the first border collie I've met that was obsessed with playing fetch... maybe I should reconsider what kind of do I want). I passed the Russian Gourmet restaurant place, but I will have to stop in that one a different day. Other things on my list of "places to check out" are MOM (My Organic Market... sister, you will not have to worry about finding foods for Connor when you visit me ^_^), the Kosher market (it's really close and looks cute inside!), the hobby shop (a bit farther away, but not difficult to get to), a couple interesting looking Asian restaraunts, crap, I know there are more, but it's hard to remember all these new places. Oh well, I'll just have to post about them when I visit them.

Anyways, I didn't meet Kathy or Shara until Tuesday afternoon. They both seem super sweet. I made dinner that night, and we went out for ice cream with their friend Chris. Wednesday, Kathy invited me to a pot-luck dinner thing that was also really fun, and I got to meet a lot of their friends. I'm happy that my new people are interesting people, and I really look forward to getting to know them, etc.

I'm going home this weekend, where I will get to see friends and family for a graduation party, and Labor Day weekend will be when my parents will move the rest of my stuff down from Pa to make my settlement permanent ^_^. I will also get a bed and sheets and other little room things to complete the me-ness of my room! Yay! Can't wait for my friends to visit me, so hurry up! K?

Oh! Almost forgot! Nature! I have it! In my backyard and in my neighborhood and everywhere. We have black squirrels scurrying amongst the dogwood trees in the backyard. Oh yes, it is a lovely yard. And my roommates say they are fine with me having a small garden out there :o). Bunnies traverse our yards and bound to and fro as I walk to the bus every morning. So many people have dogs! I want to play with all of them!

(and a train just passed reminding me to mention how much I like hearing the distant train whistle)
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