Jan 31, 2005 14:56
I think everyone here has totally missed the point. Everyone is so
busy arguing over who has worse music or food or culture. None of that
really matters. What really matters is that no matter how much the
rest of the world may hate us there isn't a god damned thing any of
you can do about it.
Every country is arrogant, and from that arrogance stems jealousy
towards the United States. England, France, Iraq, Iran, China, Russia
and every other "power" in the world wants to be the biggest and the
baddest. Every last one of you bitches about our nuclear arsenal or
our "bloated" defense budget. What I hear when you say "America has
all of the Nukes" isn't "We think nuclear weapons are bad." I hear
"Its not fair, you should have all of the Nukes, we want some too."
Well you know what? Fuck you. You want them? Come take them. You want
them dismantled? Come on over, stroll right on in to any nuclear base
and just take 'em apart. You won't because you can't. We have the
biggest tanks, the fastest jets and the most guns and there isn't
anything any of you can do about it, so get used to it.
On a side note, I'm sick and damned tired of all the criticism over
the war in Iraq. Everyone likes to site WW2, so I'm going to do the
Every so often you get some ungrateful piece of shit European who
talks trash about how late we got in to the war. Well, you know what?
IT WASN'T EVEN ON OUR FUCKING CONTINENT. I figure that if you really
wanted to keep your piece of shit country with its piece of shit
customs and your crappy language, then maybe you should get up off
your asses and start killing some Germans. Some of you tried, and
thats all well and good, but you know what? When all is said and done
you couldn't even defend your own fucking country. We had to do it for
you. Who led the invasion into Normandy? It sure as hell wasn't
hundreds of thousands of French troops using French guns and French
boats. Get off your high fucking horses, bow down and start sucking
our giant American cocks. If it weren't for us, then entire continent
would be the United States of Germany.
On to Iraq:
Despite the lack of WMD's in country, Saddam was an asshole and the
Iraqi's had it pretty shitty. Besides that, Saddam had proven himself
in the past to be less then trustworthy not only in the realm of
WMD's, but also in his intent. For Christ's sake, he invaded Kuwait.
Does anyone remember another dictator who started out by moving rather
quickly into a reasonably small neighboring country (Ahem, Hitler).
Even if he wasn't doing anything wrong at the time, that son of a
bitch and his entire regime got what it deserved. A giant American
combat boot right up the ass. Anyone who honestly believes that the
Iraqi's were better off prior to the ousting of Saddam's regime is a
world class idiot. Bottom line: We identified a potential threat and
dealt with it the best way we know how: By killing people and breaking
You have a problem with that? Make a move yourselves and see if you
don't end up on the business end of a MOAB.
You won't because you can't, so shut your whiny cockholsters and deal
with the fact that America is going to do pretty much whatever we want
until someone makes us stop.