A few things you should know:

Jan 27, 2005 23:06

First of all there may be a few of you who still read this (god only knows why) that are somewhat out of the loop. If that is the case, then there are some things that you should know.

1) I no longer live in Panama City, and thus no longer work on a dive boat. In fact I now live in South Florida and am unemployed.

2) I qualified with the M-16 last drill and pissed everyone off by not only being an arrogant sonofabitch, but also by qualifying Expert Marksman in the process.

3) I am currently in the process of cementing my sovereignty as the King of Town. Before too long I will have an official coat of arms, a standing army, and a kingdom. I'm going to finance this operation by selling flavor injection products similar to those of Ronco fame, but with a twist. They're all going to be shot out of some sort of gun. Trust me, it'll work.

4) You are all without a doubt the laziest, most worthless employees I have ever had and as such are all fired. Get your shit outta your desks and get yourselves out of my store.

By order of the King of Town
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