I feel like doing a rant today. It's quite possible that i will offend you in some way in the following update, so feel free to flame me in the comments section if that will make you feel better.
Today in sunday school we were having a lesson about marriage and what we can do to prepare to be an eternal companion. The teacher, this new lady that
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Most of the women around here believe that they need a man. From the time they are born, they are groomed to be the perfect wife - barefoot, pregnant, and silent. They are taught that they need a man to take care of them, and that they are a failure as a person if they're not married off by they're 25.
And yes, Judeo-Christian religions and denominations (particularly early roman catholocism) are at least 90% responsible for the basic roots of sexism through +400ADE history. The other 10% is the fact that men were designed to be physically stronger, and that was interpreted as almightily superior in all ways. Simply by having Eve feed Adam, women were condemned. They don't take into account that he himself did not have to eat...
Pagan religions are generally peaceful above all else... the celtic, wiccan, mayan, and pre-christian germanic religions all valued peace above all else, in different ways. The mayan sacrificed their own, yes, but they volunteered to be sacrificed; same with the celts. Wicca's main doctrine: "You may do as you please, so long as it harms no one, including yourself." Mortal Anti-Christs are just funny to laugh at. They're just idiots that are either insane or want attention. Example: Marilyn Manson. He consideres himself an anti-christ. He's one hilarious dude. Makes an idiot out of himself, and nobody really likes him much. Goths are pissed at him, society is pissed at him, Churches are pissed at him... which is exactly what he wants, of course. Not very good musically, at all. The Church of Satan is fucking hilarious; their rituals are quite comical. They mirror Christian rituals to a tee, and instead of desecrating Christianity, they mock themselves without knowing it. Yawahc-beth! Sereth-mae, Serec-bec! Hoo-rah.
I, personally, look at any religion the same way. A mythology, a grand story, not a truth. I weigh Christianity the same as I do the ancient Egyptian and Greek religions. Its by far one of the most interesting, because of its uniqueness. I'm also in love with herecy, one of the reasons I nearly idol-worship Ahkenaten (although, he was just a retard... his people went along with him while rolling their eyes because he was Pharaoh) and Rasputin (evil genius type, don't you think? Brilliant, brilliant man...).
I believe that religion is utterly irrelevant; beliefs are not.
Also, should I believe Christianity, I would not want to go to Heaven. I just wouldn't. It's all fine and dandy for a week, then you get bored. Really bored. Quite honestly, I believe that perfection sucks. I don't particularly want to go to hell, either; it sounds painful and not very much fun, though interesting. I would prefer eternal Earth, with every imperfection that calls for redemption that it will never find. The balance of good and evil, some of both but not completely either, is my ideal. JMO.
I say I'm atheist, because its closer to the truth than agnostic. Sort of a 60/40 situation. I honestly do not believe in any religion, etc, but I don't rule out the possibility of a God. I just don't worship one specific one (or many), or any at all. There is no name for what I believe, and I don't have the desire to slap a label on it. To me, its completely personal, so if someone asks, rather than launch into a complete philisophical discussion, I just say I'm atheist. Two words compared to ten thousand, so to speak. If I know them well enough, or they specifically ask, I'll launch into the explanation... but, frankly, otherwise, it's none of their business. If you ask about someone's religion, to me that's about as personal as asking if they've ever screwed three people at once. Actually, more personal, because lots of people are swinger/swapper/orgy-lovers.
...I talk too much.
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