Dec 13, 2004 22:05
you know what?
people should do what makes them happy. thats not the same for everyone. What the world tells you will make you happy, 99% of the time will make you MISERABLE. it takes you down a giant downward spiral through an empty void and you keep on looking around, searching for a happiness that is not there and never realizing, untill you are very far down, that the happiness you seek must be created and sought in the completely opposite direction...
and I'm not just talking about the cliched things like money, social standing, fame, ect. The notion of "growing up" being synonymous with letting dreams go...the ideals of a peer group surrounding you that are nowhere near the true center of the target...or people who are all aiming in the right place, but dont realize that there is more than one way to get there...not everyone can walk down the same path and have it lead to sunlight, and for some reason, I'm seeing i cant go the same way as most of the people around me.