Fancy Rained Like Grace; Chapter Twelve

Jun 27, 2013 21:26

Title: Fancy Rained Like Grace; Chapter Twelve
Pairings: Jensen/Jared, Drew Nelson/Sandy McCoy, Misha Collins/Rachel Miner
Word Count: 7024
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: see masterpost for complete list thus far
Author’s Note: A fill for this prompt on spn_hardcore
Beta: lexicaleSummary: Orphaned as a child and heatless, therefore mateless, at twenty-seven, Jared has spent ( Read more... )

supernatural, fandom

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viridescence June 28 2013, 05:52:02 UTC
I've missed you, too! You and Lexi and Willow and everyone in our old midnightradio chat group. How are things?

I've been crazy busy. Had a hellish start to my year (very long story, you can see it on my journal if you want, or let's take this up on IM so I'm not talking about it on a public post--what ID are you using now? It's been way too long since we've chatted--I just signed on; ping me), although things are much better now. But long story short, I'm just working my butt off for work (not fandom or writing, sadface), and I'm on hiatus from fandom so I can focus on studying for the GRE. I'm only mostly succeeding at the staying away from fandom thing, LOL. Which means I'm lurking a bit. But I'm not writing or putting much time into reading all the shiny new big bang fics, although I have read a couple.

I'm so thrilled to see you update this, you have no idea. I know you got to a difficult point with the story, and I am so happy that you figured out a way to continue it. I have epic amounts of love for this story.

I really hope that Jensen and Jared finally TALK TO EACH OTHER. Seriously, this lack of communication is driving me up the wall.


salire June 28 2013, 06:40:02 UTC
Things are... okay, finally. It's apparently been a really hectic year so far for pretty much everybody.

AIM username is kindathepoint still, though I see that you're logged off already, boo :(

Oh, honey, so much stuff you've been through in the past six months... can't believe it :(((((((

I hope we get to talk soon. Ping me whenever you see me on (because I pretty much always am anymore).

*big hugs!!*


viridescence June 29 2013, 00:38:14 UTC
I've been so out of touch, have no idea what's been going on with everyone.

Okay, good, I was right! I was looking at my AIM list and going, "...I thiiiiink that's Val, but I don't remember for sure!" And now I see you're idle, lol. Oh well. Maybe we can catch up a bit later tonight. I'm going to make supper here shortly.

It's been crazy, but things are settled and better now. Now I'm back to normal amounts of crazy, lol. I'll be back to fandom and writing in September, after I take the GRE. I'm really looking forward to that! :D



salire June 29 2013, 01:18:48 UTC
Yeah, I haven't really talked to anyone but Lexi in... a while now >> SO many things happened in the past six months, April, I don't even.

I'm glad everything is getting better now though! I IMed you, but it looks like you might be gone forever, so. Yeah, just IM me even if I'm idle. I'm probably just watching youtube or something.

So glad for you getting back in fandom in Septemberrrr! We should do more midnightradio then :)



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