Sleeping Sammy!verse

Jan 13, 2012 20:46

Title: Aurora
Pairing: pre-Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Word count: 1200
Warnings: pre-incest?
Summary: Sam and Dean go on a trip.  This verse basically is Sleeping Beauty with Sam as Princess Aurora.

written for sailorstarshine's stocking on fandom_stocking

“Dean,” Sam whined, squirming in the saddle, “are we there yet?”

It would figure that Sam would be like this. The kid barely got to step outside, had always been confined to the castle, for the most part, and Dean had thought that maybe a trip out would do him some good. He saw the way his little brother gazed longingly out of windows, like the great blue sky held some secret that Dean had just brushed off - like the world was something far more amazing than the paltry thing that Dean had to live and work in every day.

Dean liked the world better through Sam’s eyes. And he’d thought that taking his brother out would be a nice surprise for him.

Served Dean right for trying to do something nice.

“Does it look like we’re there yet?” the older prince snorted, squeezing Sam with his elbows. “Stop wiggling around. You’re making it hard to steer.”

Sam gave an exasperated huff.

“It’s not fair,” he continued, voice pitched and annoying. “How come you get your own horse?”

“I don’t get my own horse. I have to share with you, you little brat,” Dean said affectionately, ruffling Sam’s hair just to irritate his little brother. “And because Dad said so, that’s why. Besides, you’re still just a kid.”

Sam shrugged Dean off of his head, then tried to turn in the saddle to look at him, his eyebrows pulled tight together.

“Am not! I’m almost twelve!”

Dean’s horse made a frustrated little sound, shuffling her front hooves in irritation, prancing over stone prissily.

Dean stuck out his tongue at him.

“Right,” he said, then had to pay attention as his mare continued to shift under them, edging sideways. “A kid. Everyone thinks they’re grown up when they’re ‘almost twelve.’ Which, by the by, is known by most people as eleven. Now, eyes front and stay still, squirt. You’re freaking Baby out.”

“This sucks.” Sam heaved a sighed, twisting back around in the saddle. “Dad never lets me do anything.”

“He’s just worried about you,” Dean said, hooking his chin over Sam’s shoulder. “You know how accident prone you are. You’ll get to do things when you’re older.”

Sam leaned back against the lee of Dean’s shoulder, Dean straightening back up to accommodate him. Dean could feel the warmth of Sam’s skin through the cotton of his shirt and he smiled. Eleven and fifteen was too old for them to hug and wrestle like they used to, but Dean missed it anyways. He missed spending time with his sibling - he was older now, and expected at court, or to follow his father to meetings or on journeys. He loved being treated like an adult, loved finally beginning to take his place, but it was a still a shock to go from spending all his days with Sam to barely seeing him at all.

He’d genuinely wanted to take Sam out, give him some fresh air and something good for once, but he might have had an ulterior motive. Not that he’d admit that to Sam.

“I’m not accident prone,” Sam complained. “I don’t get to do anything that would cause me to have an accident. I’m lucky I get to tie my own shoes in the morning.”

“Come on, Sammy,” Dean said, tilting his head against Sam’s. “It’s not that bad.”

“Yes, it is, Dean,” Sam said quietly, not really fighting.

Dean almost wished he’d just launched into one of his fits instead. Because being so docile about it meant that Sam might be giving up, resigning himself to a fate trapped behind the castle walls or within Dean’s immediate eyesight.

And as much as Dean wanted to protect Sam, he did want more for him eventually. After his sixteenth birthday, of course.

Dean knew things were hard for Sam. He didn’t get to go outside of the palace much, didn’t get to see many people outside of Dean, their father, the three demons that watched over him, and Castiel, their angelic guardian and tutor -- the last four of which were trailing behind them, bickering over something or another.

It was probably pretty confusing to him too, since he had no idea why Dean was treated one way and he was treated another. Their go-to excuse was that Dean was expected to take over the throne one day and therefore needed more freedoms and contacts.

But the real reason was the curse Lucifer had placed over Sam’s head, to die on his sixteenth birthday at the prick of a fountain pen. After the curse had been cast, their father had ordered all pens in the kingdom burned, all supernatural power not used by the king’s guard snuffed out and for the curse never to be spoken of again.

The hope was to keep Sam from being too curious, keep him from toeing that line. If things were always this way for him, born and raised in a land without pens, without unchecked magic, he would never have the urge to tamper with those things.

It was just one precaution out of many to keep Sam alive past his sixteenth birthday, rendering the spell broken.

Still, the older Sam got, the more curious he seemed to become and the more he questioned what was intended to be the norm for him.

Their father remained strict with Sam, but Dean tried to bridge that gap for him, taking him out of the castle on little trips to interesting places Dean had been.

More and more, it seemed to not be enough, but Dean could only hope Sam would hold off on his curiosity for the world around him just a few more years.

“Where are we going?” Sam finally asked, shifting against Dean’s shoulder to look up at him.

Dean looked down out of the corner of his eye, smiling a little.

“You’ll see,” he said. “It’s a surprise.”

“It’s always a surprise,” Sam sniffed, eleven years old and thoroughly unimpressed with his older brother.

“Mm,” Dean agreed, missing the days that his mere existence was a feat of unparalleled heroism in Sam’s eyes.

He was taking Sam to a waterfall he’d discovered on a trip to an allied kingdom. He wasn’t usually into the whole scenic thing, but he knew Sam was, and Dean was always on the lookout for things to show Sam.

He was sure Sam would enjoy the waterfall, and Dean had made sure that Ruby, Meg and Lilith had packed Sam’s swimming suit, sketchbook and charcoal sticks, just in case he felt like swimming or drawing.

No matter what Sam ended up doing, Dean was sure he would enjoy himself.

After a few more minutes, Sam’s breathing evened out, warm puffs of air against Dean’s neck. Dean carefully released the reins with one hand to slide his arm securely over Sam’s waist, holding him tight, keeping him safe for just a little while longer.

Title: Briar Rose
Pairing: pre-Dean/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1900
Warnings: pre-incest
Summary: Dean searches for Sam's Prince Charming and True Love's Kiss.

written for insertcode11's stocking on fandom_stocking

These lands were harsh, hotter than the kingdom Dean’s family presided over. The lands were rough, full of hills and sudden, steep dips that made the journey that much harder than it already was.

Dean sighed, swiping the sweat from his brow. His shirt was sticking between his shoulder blades, and his hair was plastered to his temples. He’d never been one to shy away from hard work or sweating, but this was edging on the side of both disgusting and ridiculous.


Dean glanced over his shoulder at Castiel, his angelic advisor. Dean pulled on the reigns of his black mare. “What now, Cas?”

Castiel halted his own horse, gesturing behind himself. “The demons appear to have gotten off track again.”

Dean raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun’s rays, squinting to try and see a little further back. It took a moment, but eventually, Ruby, Lilith and Meg all began to appear as they finally crested the top of the last hill. Even from this distance, Dean could tell that the three demons were all fighting. Lilith’s hands were flailing, and Ruby was leaning toward her, making her horse walk awkwardly. All three of the horses appeared to be spooked, occasionally misstepping or halting, which sent the girls into a new little fit of rage.

Dean’s mare huffed beneath him, and he gave her neck a little rub. “I know, baby. Idiots don’t know how to ride horses.”

Fifteen minutes later, the girls were finally a few yards away.

Just close enough to hear them bitching at each other--about how poorly each of them handled their horse, sadly enough.

“You’re all piss poor horsemen,” Dean snapped.

Meg turned on him then, growling out, “Well, if you hadn’t given us piss poor horses, we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Or let us use our powers,” Ruby pointed out crossly.

Dean scowled. “Magic is what got Sam into this mess in the first place.”

“And magic is what’s going to get him out of it. If you’ll kindly recall, without my intervention, Prince Sam would’ve died when he pricked his finger on the pen rather than just fallen asleep,” Ruby said, crossing her arms.

“If magic had been banned altogether, this wouldn’t have even been able to happen--”

“Ladies, ladies,” Meg cuts in, tossing Dean a little smirk. “We’ve got more important things to attend to than having this argument again. For instance: finding a prince willing to give our Prince Sammy True Love’s Kiss.”

“Stupidest fucking condition--”

“It’s romantic.”

“And our Prince Sam is a very lovable prince,” Ruby added with a fond smile. “You would think he’d have his pick of princes to give him True Love’s Kiss.”

Dean just stared at the three demons for a moment before his mare shifted beneath him, urging him forward, toward the hunt. Or journey. Or quest. Or whatever the hell this nightmare was.

Whatever it is, Dean followed her lead, ignoring the indignant complaints of the demons as he turned back toward the path they’d been following.



Dean frowned deeply from his kneeling position. After so many no’s already, he hadn’t been expecting a different answer. “Why the hell not?”

“Prince Dean,” Castiel chastised beneath his breath. “Your kingdom doesn’t need any enemies right now.”

Castiel was right. Ever since the curse that Lucifer had put over Sam’s head, to die at the prick of his finger against the tip of a fountain pen on his sixteenth birthday, their kingdom has been in a state of unrest. Because if the king couldn’t keep his own son safe, even with the angels as his guard and many of the demons as new allies, how could he protect the kingdom?

It was still a mystery how Lucifer had even known about the celebration of Prince Sam’s birth. Reservations had been high over the new alliance with so many demons, and the celebration was meant to cement their relationship. All the angels and the demons in the land attended, aside from the dark angel Lucifer and his demon allies. The celebration was kept carefully hidden from them.

Every angel and every demon had bestowed upon Sam a gift. Beauty. Loyalty. Intelligence. Fortitude. Curiosity. Faithfulness. Empathy. Mercy. Discernment.

And then Lucifer and his armies had appeared, tearing through the angelic host and demons in their path. The archangels had finally handled it, banishing Lucifer and his minions, but not before he cursed baby Sam.

Ruby had stepped up, stating that she had yet to give Sam a blessing. She wasn’t as powerful as Lucifer, but she’d done her best, reducing the curse from death to sleep until a prince could break the spell with True Love’s Kiss.

The celebration was supposed to have been carefully hidden from him and his allies, and many people felt that their fears about trusting so many demons had been vindicated. To this day, the civil unrest had remained within the kingdom, the citizens unwilling to trust the demons among them. The fact that Ruby’s gift had been the only thing to save Sam’s life didn’t seem to make much of a difference in their eyes.

But it meant that Dean’s kingdom couldn’t afford to lose any allies--or create any enemies.

Prince Andy shook his head. At least he looked a little sympathetic to their situation. “I can’t. If it’s True Love’s Kiss, mine has already been claimed.”

Dean frowned at that. “Our kingdom wasn’t informed.”

Andy nodded. “I know. My lady is... well, a little hesitant to be made known.”

Without another word, Dean turned and walked out of the hall, Castiel faithfully at his heels, the three demons squawking about how rude he was being.

He didn’t know what he was going to do. Dean was willing to go as far as needed, would travel through any terrain, complete any quest, but there were only so many princes in the world, and they’d been rejected by every one of them so far. They hadn’t even found anyone willing to try, for every reason under the sun. Many were too concerned with the unrest in their kingdom, others didn’t like the alliance with the demons, others still simply didn’t want to even risk bestowing True Love’s Kiss upon another prince.

But there were still a few princes that hadn’t been asked yet, and Dean would be damned before he stopped, even if people were beginning to call a fool’s quest.

He headed for the stables, determined to get at least a few miles behind him before nightfall, when Castiel called to him.

“Prince Dean, you won’t be able to keep this pace,” he said, all calm and matter of fact. “And neither will our horses. You must rest.”

Dean didn’t even slow his pace. “I’m fine. And so are our horses, at least for a few more miles.”

“A few more miles today will only exhaust the horses further for tomorrow,” Castiel pointed out.

Dean rounded on him, face set in a hard stare. “Then we’ll get new horses.”

“And leave your precious mare behind?” Lilith scoffed, crossing her arms. “I don’t think so.”

“My horse won’t be a problem. She’s fine.”

“It’s not the horses I’m truly concerned about, Prince Dean,” Castiel admitted, mouth a thin line. “My concern is with our sole living prince.”

If Dean wasn’t already quite intimate with the fact that punching Castiel in the face was going to do nothing but damage his own hand, he would’ve done it then. He grit his teeth, hands fisting tightly. “If I hear you say that bullshit again, Cas, we’re going to have a problem.”

Castiel didn’t even blink. “You must face the truth, Dean. The demon’s improvements upon the curse could hardly be called such.”

“I’m right here, you asshole,” Ruby griped. “And I didn’t exactly see any of the heavenly host falling over themselves to offer better ideas. At least with this, Sam isn’t six feet under, just suspended in time, waiting for his prince charming.”

Dean stopped listening after that, turning away and walking onward, to the stables.

His horse’s head popped right over her door as soon as he stepped inside the barn. He smiled at her, walking up and giving her a rub on the nose. “Hey, girl.”

She whinnied at him, dropping her head into his hands. He patted her neck in return, brow furrowing at the dust that bloomed off of her coat. “Looks like you need a wash, huh? Later though, we’ve got somewhere to be.”

He unlatched the stable door, stepping inside with her. She turned her head toward him as he walked around her, nudging at his side. He playfully grabbed at her nose, and she tossed her head, huffing.

“Well, that’s what you get for sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,” he chastised as he assessed her body.

She still looked to be in good condition, if a little under-groomed and dusty. When he pressed his fingers into her sides and against her knees, she didn’t pull away, and none of her bones were sticking out or anything. He’d always been really careful with her, babying her to death, and it showed.

He grabbed the reigns from their hook on the stable wall. “Those stupid angels and demons don’t know what they’re talking about, do they, baby?”

But as he raised his hands to fasten the reigns around her head, she pulled back.

Dean frowned. “Hey, now. What’s all that about?”

He dropped the reigns with one hand, carefully pressing around her nose, eyes and ears, searching for any sore spots. When she didn’t move away from his hands, he lifted the reigns.

And she pulled away.

“Oh, come on,” Dean muttered, frustration building quickly. He tilted her face toward him, holding it still as he pushed the reigns on her.

She huffed out, distressed and pulling back, but the reigns were already on. Dean jerked them, forcing her to look at him. “What are you doing? What’s wrong with you?”

She just looked at him, dark, soulful eyes staring down into his.

Dean sighed. He knew what was wrong. She was tired and hungry. She was a good horse, the best in the kingdom in Dean’s opinion, but she had her limits.

“I know,” he finally told her, patting her nose. “Me too.” He hesitated only a moment longer before he slipped the reigns back over her head, folding them up and putting them back on the wall.

She nudged his side again, and he turned toward her, letting her rest his head in his hands.

“Prince Dean?”

Dean looked up at Castiel, who was blocking the stable’s doorway. He ignored him for a moment, just rubbing his horse’s nose, letting her know that he understood and silently apologizing for being so rough with his baby. “I need a grooming brush and an apple. If there are any oats around here, I want them added to her feed tonight.”

Castiel nodded.

Behind him, the demons peaked over his shoulder. “We’re staying?” Meg asked.

Dean nodded. “For the night.”

Meg looked like she wanted to say something else, but Ruby stopped her, and the girls silently slid from behind Castiel, presumably heading back to the castle.

Castiel stayed a moment longer, watching Dean. “Prince Dean--”

“Cas,” Dean cut him off, “I need that brush.”

Castiel’s mouth snapped shut, but he nodded, turning and leaving Dean alone with his horse.

Dean sighed.

His horse nickered softly.

He sifted his hand through her mane. “You miss Sammy too, huh?”

She didn’t respond, but she stood still when he leaned into her neck, resting his cheek there until one of the stable hands appeared with a brush.


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