Jan 01, 2016 14:20
My New Year's Eve last night was a bit of a bummer.
I was really looking forward to enjoying a chilled, but booze filled evening, with my wife and our two best friends, Nina and Julie. But another girl, Jane, from our roller derby team was complaining loudly on facebook how lonely she was and how upset she was to not have any plans for New Years Eve. So my friend Nina, who was hosting, took pity on her and invited her.
She is a fun sucker. She sucks the fun out of EVERYTHING.
Jane kept dropping weird comments about how New Years Eve is really just an arbitrary date and just another day blah blah blah. Then why were you so upset to be spending just another day with no plans?? Spend your arbitrary date at home and stop raining on our parade you big dud.
At five minutes to midnight, she decided to start having a rant about how shite her work was. At 5 minutes to midnight. Dude. This is not the spirit of how anyone wants to bring in the new year. I was pouring prosecco while she was ranting. FUN SUCKER.
At only half past midnight, Julie decided to go home. I'm not sure if it was because Jane had sucked the majority of fun out of the evening, or if she wanted to go home and continuously text a girl she is interested in that she met on Tinder. She spent the entire night glued to her phone talking to her and had been skyping with her the previous day until 5:30am. It annoyed me. You can spend the whole night texting some girl, but you can't enjoy a proper new years eve with your best friends? Ugh.
Thank fuck, Jane decided to go shortly afterwards. After moaning for ages about how she would have to walk across town to get home. I'm not sure WHY she was moaning - it seemed like she was hinting for a solution. But each solution we offered she wouldn't take. We looked up buses for her, we offered her a taxi, she was even offered to crash the night at Nina's house. She declined all of them and yet still ranted on. My wife and I don't drive, so we couldn't give her a lift even if we hadn't been drinking, and Nina had drunk way over the limit. Eventually she left.
Nina, Megan and I then actually had an ok time, watching a random penguin documentary in sign language until 4am when we got a cab home.
Happy New Year!