Items of Interest - Religion: UR DOIN' IT RONG.

Oct 30, 2008 13:27

False Idols: Extremist Christians declared today a "Day of Prayer for the World's Economies." Fair enough, as the recent economic shifts require us all to rethink how we spend and save. But I'm not sure this is the best way to go about it, and I'm pretty sure the Bible had some strong words about praying to false idols - particularly metallic ruminants.

Signs Revealed in Magic Paper: Okay, it's not your standard sort of magical religious revelation, but this demonstration of Microsoft's SecondLight projection system absolutely qualifies as "sufficiently advanced technology." Watching it made me realize this - We live in a future where we have portable internet and magic paper, so who the fuck needs flying cars and jetpacks?

My Name is Hussein: A couple weeks ago, many of us were joking about the RNC's focus on using Obama's middle name as a way to make voters fear him as a Muslim. On our mailing list, drspooky changed his middle name to Hussein, as a sign of support for Obama, and to highlight the fact that it's a perfectly normal American name, like any other - seriously, how scary can a name that means "beautiful" possibly be? Before long, pyrtolin took the joke to Facebook. And now, that group has over 800 members around the country, and is getting media attention. Just one more case of my friends and I slowly taking over the world. Oh yes.
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