Apr 15, 2009 09:59
I was looking forward to the easter bank hols as it means bike days whoop, and the weather was for once on our side. Friday was a good ride out, though Sunday was better especially at Alston as the sun made the tyres sticky - bette grip, better turning - John nearly got his knee down on the ground and not many people can say that whilst having a pillion on the back so good going babe =D
Plus Sunday happened to have the best weather down in Alston so for the first time this year you could sit outside the hartside Cafe without freezing whoop. This also meant that we can ogle at all the bikes coming in and also go yuck at Du-cack-i's and Harley's. There is no point bringing a Harley to Alston as all they do is cause bike buildups in the road as they can't turn sharpley enough round the many corners, the route to Alston should be a race track what with all the deceiving bends - no place for a big fat, ugly Harley that takes forever to maneuver round the course!
Monday was spoiled by someone who thought it was clever to do a U-turn at the last minute on our mate, prick! The car indicated right then suddenly swerved to the left, as if he had just realised he has just gone down the wrong way. before doing a u-turn you always look behind but this guy did not and pushed our mate off the road. He's got a nasty flesh wound on hid his, bruises, skin scrapes and grazes. The bike needs a new wing mirror, new indicater, new gear shifter, new side fairing (if cannot get it repaired) and a respray. He's only had it a week and for his first proper run out he was doing fine, just a shame he had to encounter a prick of a driver on his first run - yet again the number of crap drivers seem to be increasing.
Yes I may seem to be a hypocrite as I cannot drive but it's just common sense to check that the road is clear to do a U-turn, it's not hard to think about!!!!!!!!! So we had to wait for the tow and then John and I had a somewhat dismal ride back home. This is what puts me off wanting to drive, never mind ride, as there are too many careless drivers that do not do the checks they are supposed to do when doing particular manuevers and by not doing those checks they put other road users at risk. It just pisses me right off grrrrrrrrrr. But at least our mate is a good enough rider to only come out of it with scrapes, bruises and a gash.
Thing is though at the time, we reached seahouses and this woman ran to us telling us our mate was lying sprawled flat out at the side of the road and we just ran back to our bike and were on our way thinking the worst. Not a good feeling. But when we got there he was standing and talking which was such a huge relief, main panic over. To tell you the truth I think we were panicked as we knew that someone had gone into him as he wouldn't be riding that fast to go into someone else or have any other self-related accident considering it was his first ride out and he was thus taking it easy!!
On other news my website should be finished this week and uploaded, which I am a bit apprhensive about for dofferent reasons. One being that I will from then on be awaiting my first call and also i will have particular friends scrutinising my website. Hmmmmmmmm. I kmow who ou are :P