Once a Month Room Cleaning~~

Mar 30, 2013 11:55


or should I say---

'Oh, no!! It's that day again..'

Whatever it is, I need to clean up my room..as it seems like a GHOST HOUSE to me..with spider's web scattered on the ceiling and dust everywhere..It just to messy for me to live in the room now *just think that the room is not in the orderly manner now*..

This is one of my rules actually..room cleaning once a month including the bathroom since my room is the master bedroom one, with bathroom inside it..

And the best part of it, I OWN THE WHOLE BEDROOM FOR MYSELF

Maybe I should do room cleaning twice a month..but I'm just to lazy to do it since I'm just a LAZY GIRL..
Once a month is good enough, right??

Well, I should get going..or my lazy meter will rise up soon..

See, ya..

*finding a vacuum cleaner*

P/s: I think this my first time using emoticons in my journal..

just me

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