I was hoping to get the 2 weeks off when I turned in my resignation letter today but sadly no... and unfortunately I will lose my 40 hours of sick time and personal time if I don't take them. So tomorrow I'm going to the doctor to see what the hell happened to my foot. Oh yeah, I hurt it while playing darts on Sunday at the pub. I think I'm the only person in history to sustain a foot injury while playing darts that didn't involve dropping a dart on a foot. Since I'm short, I jumped up to grab a dart that went astray and landed top-side down on my right foot. It defintely sobered me up quickly...I have since been limping around (couldn't even walk on it on Saturday night) and the bruis has extended to my toes... yuck.
I changed my layout on
premade_ljs to this kittens one hehehe... thanks
tasha! Also joined
deviantart (link from Tasha's site)...and have made a new claim on
1sentence...yay, stuff to do! :-P
Phew, I get tomorrow off...fun times to pay a speeding ticket, doctor's appointment, and filing my taxes. Again I stress, poop.