Apr 23, 2010 18:37

No, seriously. Because this week (as well as the last few) has been. . . trying.

The term is coming to an end within a month and I am not the least bit ready for it. I have to do some volunteer work for one of my classes and I haven't contacted the organization to schedule my hours with them yet. I will definitely be doing that this weekend. My grade in Art History is currently, I can't even believe this, a D. Seriously. I've always struggled with this professor's tests but I can't believe I have a D! In a Major requirement! We've only had one test so far and I just don't know if there's enough time to bring up my grade, especially since I turned in my paper late, so it's not going to get full credit, and I'm not too confident in the paper's quality to begin with. I'm definitely going to be studying a lot more in-depth than usual for this next test coming up on Tuesday. I am going to know every minute detail of these artists' lives. Plus be able to spell their wonky French names properly, as that's often an issue. Seriously French people, why use all those letters if you're not going to pronounce them? That's what we call wasteful. lol

Thankfully Sweeney Todd wrapped on Sunday so I'll finally have some free time to work on schoolwork. It was a great experience, practically a dream come true, really, because I just love that show, and I made a lot of new friends, but it really consumed a lot of my time, especially the last two weeks when we had 3+ hours of practice every night and longer on weekends. I'm about 99% sure that I won't be doing the show next year. I'll miss it, but I just will not have time to do it since I'll be student teaching. Even though it's going to be West Side Story which, A) I've just fallen in love with (talk about late to the party!) and B) is a male-dominated show meaning that I'll have a very good shot at a role since there aren't a lot of guys who do the musicals here, but I need to be practical. Schoolwork comes first, especially when it's student teaching which will undoubtedly be my most important class.

Also, I haven't posted about this here yet, but I've started dating a girl up here. Her name is Emily and she's very nice, but I feel that things aren't progressing enough with us. We've been going out since Valentine's day and I have yet to kiss her or ask her officially to be my girlfriend. I had planned to do it on our third date but before our third date we both had a few busy weeks and she got upset with me thinking that I wasn't taking the relationship seriously and asked me what my intentions were. She kind of wouldn't let the issue drop until finally I told her all about how I planned to kiss her and ask her to be my girlfriend on our date that night, but after that it didn't feel very romantic anymore so I didn't do it. I've hoped to make the effort on each of our dates since then but every single time something ruins it. Namely, the fact that there are always people around! Either milling around outside her apartment when I walk her home, or my roommates, or her roommates. Basically, people I don't really want to be involved in my first kiss, so each time I just forego the attempt and end the night with a hug. Now I'm feeling like it's just been too long and I believe she's probably just as frustrated over it as I am.

BUT! It's the weekend! There's a new episode of "Big Time Rush" on tonight (I know it's lame but that makes me happy. Even happier than when there's a new "Glee".) and I'm finally going to be free on a Friday night and able to watch it! I'm probably going to be seeing Chess the musical, not this weekend but the next. Admittedly, I don't know much about it, but I've liked most of what I've heard from it in the past, especially "One Night in Bangkok" (seriously, click here and see it in all it's shining '80s glory!) and some of my friends, such as revyrie , love it so I'm definitely looking forward to it. I'll be hanging out with Lindsey and Clare, two of my best friends up here, tonight which we haven't been able to do in months as just the three of us. Most importantly, I have a nice long time to study for the next Art History test since there are no obligations this weekend.

It's going to be good.

college friends, tv, school, musicals, mercyhurst

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