So, how about I did this meme aaaaaaaaagggggeeeeesssss ago, but never posted it. Anyway, snagged from
1. All the songs you pick MUST FIT onto one standard audio CD - i.e., no more than 80 minutes of music.
2. Not really a rule, but it's fun: make a CD cover (front and back inserts) to accompany your fanmix!
3. No restrictions on artists or songs - i.e., put together whatever you want, whoever you want, as many artists as you want.
4. Upload the songs. Because some us are lazy and don't want to go hunting down every single song you picked.
5. Post to your journal with YOUR fanmix!
And so I (finally) present to you Jennifer Laura Thompson: In Retrospect
(A compilation of memorable numbers from Jennifer's rich career)
Download Link: Lemme know what you think!