Tagged by
revyrieA. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
B. Tag seven people to do the same
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag 'whoever wants to do it'
1. I don't seem to have the ability to focus on multiple problems at once, which is why my grades always take a hit in the week or two before a show.
2. I have to work on crafts and such in a clear, open space, even though I'm a messy worker.
3. I don't feel at home at school, my parents' house, or my brother's house.
4. I don't often think things through, but when I do I work out complicated, extended ideas, so that if I do act on them I'm almost following a script.
5. Yellowish lighting makes me depressed.
6. I love the Catholic faith but don't follow it very well. :[
7. I get very defensive of the things I love, to the point where I sometimes don't like new people liking them too because they seem like upstart little posers to me.
piratesmile331 mysoulisdying otakuwench sempiterna sportslover08 made_of_wishes xxemo2thebonexx TAG!!
You're it!