i know this is going to sound terrible, but ummm...i have pictures from
common roads, but i'm not betting my life on the names i call the
people in the pictures...so...if i get one wrong and one of you knows
it, please correct me.
lauren and i
lauren and kathryn DDRing and amos lurking
cassidy and jess(i think)
sean. he hit on me. alot. so, i really hope i got his name right. >.>
lauren stole my camera and this is what i found. i <3 this picture.
me. with a sticker ear ring.
elora, mike, and lauren at chess club.
erin and the gigantimo chess pieces from mars.
ok...so i never put up pictures and within two days i have two picture
entries. fun fun. also, there were many a picture of ME included. i
never have pictures of me. ever.
nothing much is new. back in town. hopefully will be hanging with erin
tomorrow. and maggie. sooooo....someone else will be invited along.
probably becca. because i dont want to sit there and deal with crazy
lesbian action all alone. it kinda freaks me out.
haha. okey doke.
EDIT: here i am at 2 o'clock am...still awake. thats what i get for sleeping the 6 hour drive home from ohio right? anyhoo, headlights just lit up my window and for a second i kinda hoped it was a friend of mine coming to kidnap me for a nightly rendevouz, but sadly no. it was just my brother getting home. wait. yeah. i think he snuck out. the damn 15 year old bastard snuck out before i did. i'm pissed. grr. maybe he didnt sneak out. maybe he got permission, but i seriously doubt it.