HM64 update + new tumblr

Feb 28, 2010 23:32

I got a Tumblr. so if you want me to follow you or got any suggestions for blogs to follow, let me know.
i really don't have any clue what the hell i'm doing with it, though

I also updated the HM64 LP, parts 7 and 8. with a special guest star, my buddy Kat!

BOO, the Olympics are over. :( oh well.
congrats to Canada too even though you sort of broke my heart today, but i'm over it

so for those who don't know, the north east got hit by a huge-ass snowstorm this week which meant i had two consecutive snowdays, and that was great. but my thursday exam was postponed to tomorrow morning, i really should review now but i'm desperately trying to stay awake. i'm so tired. i'm nervous about that test but goddamn i wanna sleep waaaaaa
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