June 26 2004

Jun 26, 2005 01:00

Bloody hell my freakin mouth. i cant open it more than enough to put a spoon in. LMAO...an hour after surgery i was really thirsty so we went to 711 and i tried to say hi to Raj and the other guys with cotton balls stuffed in mouth, didnt quit work but they were nice. Anyways my mouth was NUMB beyond belief. So, sfter finding my lips with my hands and directing the can in my mouth, i apparently filled my mouth with so much ice tea it overflowed out of my mouth. my mom was laughing her ass off. than when we got out of the car, i started drooling blood all over the place. hah! funny shit, supposidly im suppose to puff out tomorrow. i thought my lips were swollen, but my mom said they allways look like that. hah i have to put tea bags in my mouth, than lye down, i drool like nigra falls dude. O, and darling i hardley remember talking to you this morning, tee hee.i thought it was a dream
 SUSANA thank you for the text message, just asking how i felt made me feel all that much better! love you! thanx 4 caring! Darling, thanks for the good luck text!

pps thanks for all the kissys baby!

ppps i gotta get a hold of that tranquiliaer they shot me with at first, i never felt so mellow and chill before. lol. i was like, oo, ok, yah its all good,

thats all folks
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