Truth Comes to Politics

Dec 23, 2018 04:35

It is Christmas time and I will not be seeing family.  Family doesn't visit me nor do they approve of me. I am not, nor have I ever been, their cup of tea. I've spent so many years without spending Christmas with them that this is just one more holiday without them, though I live a whole lot closer.

So many people asked me to come back and I have. I don't fault them or blame them because I've always been alone and now they don't think of me as within their sphere of influence. Those that do know, don't care. I suppose they will begin to notice me as I begin to swim in political waters. I'm only 63 and it is not too late for me to begin.

If Donald Trump, the Clintons, and Obama could get elected with all their skeletons hanging out of their closets, why can't I? I haven't nearly the skeletal crowd hiding in my closets, but you can be sure I will drag them out and parade them around.

No, I'm not a lesbian nor do I have a black lover, but Kenny across the hall comes close and his kids like me. Then there's Jim who introduced me to the pizzeria that has the best and biggest salad and puts in a lot of fresh cooked chicken. I'm going to have to introduce them to my version of chicken salad where I add a few pepperoncinis and other tasty vegetables and then dump a whole lot of bleu cheese dressing on top. That's one of the things that Barbra Streisand did when she was a lumpy college professor who married the math professor and fell in love with pudgy  Barbra before he went on tour with his latest math book.

Barbra kept out of reach until he returned and discovered he was married to a svelte  and sexy woman who didn't love him any more. A few steamed veggies, a carrot stick, and pudgy professor was suddenly gorgeous and tasty to her ex-boyfriend who was already married to her beautiful sister. Suddenly, he was looking at the professor very differently.

Anyway, Barbra had her New York City fling and taught her husband even steamed veggies are pretty good.

I like steamed veggies, but I prefer organic veggies and drinking (I hope) bullet proof coffee - the mocha version since I'm a novice at drinking coffee. I'll soon be back on the nutritional ketogenic train and losing the rest of this weight. My hair has already started growing back in thicker and it looks a bit grayer than silver/white these days. Must be all the fat I've eaten and loved combined with the intermittent fasting. I'm even going to get off my still plump behind and begin PiYo - exercising religiously.

All of this will look good on me when I throw my hat into the political ring. I've just begun college to earn a bachelor's degree in criminal justice with a human resource twist. I will also be counseling seniors, addicts, and wounded warriors. I will be an advocate for the men and women who need someone to be a voice for them and stand up with them when they face their accusers in court.

After all, if Trump and Obama and the Clintons could be elected, I think I'm a shoe-in to change the three ring political circus that has had this country tied up in knots and never knowing which end is up. No, I'm not going to run as a republican or a democrat, but as an independent. My remaining family, at least the siblings, won't vote for me, but I'll bet my advocacy work with seniors, homeless, addicts, and such will work in my favor so I won't care so much about my siblings not voting for me.

I am working on a new me, not the writing and publishing me, but the outspoken truthful me that I have always been - and will always be until I take my last breath. I have a bit of financial messiness to clean up, but is that so surprising since I've been sidelined and out of a job for a year? Change comes at a cost and I've paid my dues.

Watch out world, here I come, maybe even to your town or your state. I can get you in if you call me in advance, or even if you show up at the rallies. I will do what I've always done best - write and talk about things from my perspective - my truthful perspective. All secrets will be forced out of closets and no secret will be hidden - at least not by me. Imagine, an honest politician.

That would be me. My family will be up in arms as I tell the inconvenient truths they try to hide. Whether they end up looking nice will depend on what aspect of their lives will tumble out first.

As I've always said, if you want people to think of you as nice - be nice.

That is all. Disperse.

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