#321 temporal liberation

Sep 28, 2014 01:20

^ I helped them take a picture, the a301 girls are all so pretty!!

Wednesday evening was spent with Sarah catching If I Stay (again), having llaollao and shoe shopping in town. Sarikin is life.
That day was also the first time I stepped into town in ages. love town I love the smell of town the ambience even the crowds everything about it makes me so happy!!!
Despite having chem MCQ at 0800h the next day I really had fun (and thank god the MCQ was manageable? Actually I wouldn't know. Everything has a 25% probability. And it's chemistry)

^ my friends are so qt and stups they legitly stood in the middle of nowhere and watched the entire Annabelle trailer, shrieking and screaming hahaha GUYSPLS public nuisance 101!!!

Thursday was spent roaming around (where else) Ehub at 930am being all hungry but no shops were open(!!!!) Finally settled on Swensens' lunch deal, really quite worth IMO + free desserts!! Even the boys were full (says a lot). Ordered Firehouse Happy Birthday as my dessert and being the kind friends that they are, they decided to embarrass me by singing a birthday song!!!! When its not even my birthday =) =)

^ my eyebags look like they weighed 20kg though. No wonder I concussed for 4 hours after that HAHAHA. Overslept and got woken up by a call from Vania cos I was supposed to meet 4/5 of the minahs for dinner...got ready + did my makeup in <20mins! Personal achievement!!!

From my dayre:

Missing nadiah, but whenever I think about my life 10, 20 years from now, these are the people I see still being by my side. Today I laughed like crazy, got laughed at like crazy, ate a lot, talked a lot. I loved it and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with y'all so thankful to have you guys grow up with me, yguys are the light of my fucking life and there are absolutely no words to describe knowing that you're never alone because you know that they'll always have your back

Ily guys

Random, but they are my baes in school haha lets press on for As okay!!!!111 btw I LOVE KAILENE SO MUCH I feel so happy to see them all happy and coupley I just wanna go like "OMG LAST FOREVER GUYS" (not that I haven't done so already) but really. Seeing my friends so giddy in love makes me so happy!


The post prelims celebration was brief but it gave me a glimpse as to the freedom that lies ahead and damn I crave for it so so badly, I can't wait for the day where I dont have to punctuate my sentence with "after As". In the meantime I have to make sure I deserve to party hard by studying really really hard

36 days to make it or break it! I can do this!

town, my friends are the best, friday nights, happy day, shopping, picture post, selca, bae, fuck school, minah gang ♥♥♥, asyikin is happy :-), exams are over, but not as, a million thank yous

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