
Dec 30, 2013 02:27

Hello everybodyyyyy
I realised i haven't posted about what i've been up to lately and instead been spamming all the act yi ge philosophical and products of late night thoughts kind of posts over here... I was supposed to be documenting what i did over the holidays so i can look back but so far i haven't been doing so and it's the 30th already wtf haha get ready for a barrage of pictures #sorrynotsorry

Dinner date with the minahs!! Super happy to meet them i'm always in a good and happy mood. We do practically nothing but somehow, shit always happens haha. This year Vanz had this crazy idea to wear hats out and we all did...

Except i got the santa hat WTF and it was after the 25th so we got quite a few comments and lots of stares but whatever hahah. Nads and Shahf got hats that actually matched their outfit so they looked normal but vans and i........HAHA.

Christmas gifts from Vanzzzzzz!!!!! Face masks to make us whiter, candy cane lipstain and oreo pocky/뻬뻬로 from korea! Tasted so damn good thanks so much :^)

Random barrage of photos. Wanted to see the pretty Christmas lights so we walked to the tree outside Paragon i think??? Then we walked to ion cos Vanz wanted to see some sales and we ended up ugly shopping (i.e shopping for ugly clothes) which is our fav pasttime HAHAHAH it makes you feel better about not having any money cos like you're never gonna buy this even with no money right!!! Talk about reverse psychology

Shahf left to catch the bus and so the 3 of us walked to Wheelock bux to continue lepaking. Our meet ups are always so standard its so familiar and comfortable yet something I always am excited about. I don't even know why! :")

Also we were so sure initially that nads was gonna be late (because she's nadiah) so Shahf and I decided to fetch minmin from her house and stayed there for far too long. Ended up nadiah was half an hour earlier than us(!!!!) the last time we met (which was a few weeks ago) she was earlier than me too WTF the world is gonna end soon i swear.

Brought my sis to yumen for lunch haha this was so long ago

Old school ice cream with her too on a random morning (for us) hahaha it's probably in the afternoon because we wake up at 12 most days. Then we'd watch our dramas and movies, sometimes together, and just talk and talk and talk and do chores tgt and stuff haha I basically see her more than I see anyone so ya thankful we have a good relationship

Random photos of my batam trip with the family. It was a much needed getaway!! The food was so good and cheap, we went to Golden Prawn Restaurant (a pretty famous one) on our 2nd night and basically devoured everything. Super fresh seafood! You basically go there and pick out the seafood you want and tell them what you want it to be cooked into. Had black pepper crab, cereal prawn and lots of other yumz food. Too bad there weren't any photos though hahaha greedy pigs we are... Also had a full body massage for the first time in my life. Pretty coooool

Nutella blossoms for Nadh on her bday

Spent a whole day with ama neighbour a few weeks back at Bedok Mall. So glad we got much closer this year thank god i forced her to try out for OGL!!! Also i did more studying with her in a day then I did during the rest of the holidays must be the 101 power. We also talked a LOT haha it was a good day with herrrrrr :-) Lub u

Look at my face wtf. Standard dinner with Izza after the whole ___ incident. Sad bry couldnt join us :"( Anw izza had free arcade games so we played silent hill hahaha wtf damn gay but all was good until.......

we got stuck in the rain -___- it was literally POURING wtf i am always in shit situations with her. We were so drencheddddd!!! You could actually see the rainwater on my forehead. Somehow ended up near bryant's block so we met and lepaked as usual. I'm always happy with them :')

Justin Limmmmmmmm

Random pix of Nads and I on our airport date

My ootd and coordinates for annexe's annual christmas party!!!! Went to get a good gift (Body shop gift set) for Christmas gift exchange this year cos i believed in karma and wanted to get a nice present after all those years of getting mugs..... BUT I GOT A FREAKING PHOTOFRAME THIS YEAR WTF haha every one of us bought body shop coincidentally and we all got shit gifts in return -_- never again to good gifts i tell you. Gonna give some daiso shit next year.

I lub u murali

The party this year was so so so good though, and the food was YUMMMMZZZZ. So far the best party of Annexe i've ever been to. Maybe it's cause we self-entertained but it was hella crazy we were laughing and screaming nonstop hahaah and our stupid vulgar Go fish game omg. LOVE THEM SO MUCH

UGLY AF but hahaha went for threeblindmice's flea with them cos i scored priority passes! The flea was ok though i didn't get many things. Also some bloggers are quite dao and unfriendly irl, what a turn off.

This was just now hahahahah the awards ceremony was held at the street soccer multi purpose hall this year??? So strange but whatever $400 BITCHEZ

I was so amused at my ootd i had to snap a photo. Colourblocking in the worst way possible HAHAH

Also had a lunch + movie date with my bby CMC!! Heheh i was telling her how i like guys who take initiative and make plans first and she then asked me out -____- van pls. Anyway we caught Frozen and it was soooo good for a cartoon movie!! I really don't like cartoon btw. Olaf was so cute and the songs were so catchy and :') such a cute movie for suckers like me. Bumped into amsy after that!! Haven't seen him in forever. I miss him

WAAAAH i promised my sister i'll watch a movie with her got to stop blogging before she throws a tantrum hahaha also i finally have plans for new year's!!! So excited. :')

happy day, picture post, minah gang ♥♥♥, day out :-), asyikin is happy :-), kangkongkids, grateful, amsyar my abg sach♥

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