The collapse.

Aug 05, 2013 13:38

I put in my notice at work. Then all hell broke loose.

I wasn't really expecting too much of a reaction to be quite honest; this had been coming for a very long time. I have been paring down the household budget, stashing money away, and training replacements for almost a year. But somehow, it was still a shocker at how precarious things really were.

The same day I gave my notice to my supervisor I had an incident with our tech support department, which has been getting progressively worse. I pointed out a few shortcomings of late in their approach. Part of it was obviously my lack of concern regarding needing to stay on amiable terms anymore, part of it is also how sensitive they are about their bad situation. Something small which was addressed simply to the techs I work most directly with got run up the chain so far that now all the directors are copied on it. Since they obviously wanted an audience for this, I've basically unloaded both barrels into the system. It's not so much a giant "fuck you" as it is an honest attempt to point out what precisely is wrong with this company. In typical form all the people responsible for the crap are getting uber defensive, running interference, calling everything they can about my character into question, deflecting blame onto everyone else, the usual shitstorm. What's different this time is that my points are professional, accurate, verifiable and I can't be bullied into shutting up, so it's really just making things worse.

My co-workers are all also now basically quitting when I leave because the crap I deal with on a regular basis is now laid bare to them and they don't want to deal with it without me there as a shield. There isn't anyone in the company who is qualified to take up my position, let alone take over a ghost town where their top revenue center used to be. My supervisor is now having a nervous breakdown, which really pains me because he's also a good friend.

I don't have another job lined up. I have a LOT of opportunities though, options are out the wazzoo, but I really hope not to just get another "job" and rather start into a career. I'm working on my CCNA, should be done by the end of October. We have enough that I could be unemployed through April if I needed to without even touching our savings, but I don't want it to go that far.

I gave them 18 days to get their crap together, which I'm not sure they're going to be able to do. This may also force my supervisor to quit, because they're just going to expect him to fix the whole thing and he says he won't be left holding the bag full of their ineptitude. I wish there was something I could do about that for him, but I also think the only reason he's my supervisor is as a bulwark against me giving the company the shaft, because I know it would have to go through him to get to them. Maybe it's all for the best.

Funny, when most people learned that I was leaving, the most common response was "I'm so happy for you". You gotta know that when everyone is congratulating you for escaping when you quit that you're making the right choice.
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