Weekly Update

Sep 25, 2005 18:12

I figured I'd take a leaf out of Erika's book and do a weekly update esp. for my high school friends.
Damn, you guys, I miss you a lot. heh, it's ironic how I've been so homesick, when ... well you knew me in high school. There was nothing I was looking forward to as much as college. Not that I'm not loving every second of it. It's just that I haven't been home for more than a week or two since the summer break after senior year. And my dad's been working in Louisiana so much that I haven't seen him in forever.

Anyways, for anyone who doesn't know, my dad's OK. He's been working in New Orleans the last 2 summers and was evacuated for the hurricane. He's back in Louisiana in I forget what city, now. Hopefully I'll see him for thanksgiving. Oh, and btw, I'm going to try to make it down to LA for the UCLA v. Cal football game. I'm hoping to spend friday night and morning at home (if possible). Otherwise, maybe I can give Eric and Neil a call and see you guys.

So, I guess I'll actually start with a quick summer and since school started update.

This summer: ... wow... The best summer of my life. I worked at the Lair of the Bear, a UC Berkeley Alumni Summer Camp as a councilor. I met some absolutely amazing people and grew up a lot. I was, unsurprisingly, the youngest and most naively innocent one there. I made some amazing, hopefully lifelong friends. I won't mention how wild it was there ... I drank less than half as much as everyone else and still ended up drinking more this summer than and other time in my life. (that's the quickest summary possible of my summer)

So ...
My school schedule, consists of some amazing classes: Political Science 140C - War Violence, and Terrorism; Geography 20 - Intro to Globalization (more of a world economics class); Cultural Anthropology (while the teacher and class is absymal, the subject is so facinating that I'm thinking of minoring in it); and Chemistry 1A (just for fun, i think I'm going to make chem a little hobby of mine)

Clubs and Activities:
I'm a Project Director in the Office of the President of our Associated Students of the University of California, Berkeley. Basically our student government. It is so awesome. With some of the best people ever and they're keeping me so busy ... aka ... taking over my life. But it's worth it, working on projects and lots of awesome things. (we get to converse with all sorts of famous people, Hillary Clinton, umm... what's her name.. oh! Shakira, Howard Dean, etc)
Also a member of the Armenian Student Association which is a lot of fun.
I'm working as a Security Monitor to get a bit of money and all.
A member of Rally Comm, with Melissa ... lots of school spirit stuff; it's fun
Last but not least i'm a member of Cal Dems ... not particularly involved cuz i don't have much time, but i try to make it to meetings at least.

OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! I'm taking some Tae Kweon Do since none of the dance classes fit into my schedule. It's a lot of fun and I feel like I'm kicking so much ass. Still having trouble memorizing the Korean words, though.

Honestly, though I've been doing more homework than anything this semester. I've been trying to be really studious and do real well. So far I'm doing pretty well in Chem, and i feel like i'm doing well in my others, but I don't have much to judge by yet.

Fridays have mostly been Rob and me nights ... If any of you from back home didn't know, Robert is my boyfriend. We started dating last February or officially in March, your pick.

Melissa and I have also been partying a little bit, not near as much as last year, and mostly in room partying with a few friends. We managed to corupt the Freshmen on our floor the first weekend here, and we've been bonding with them a bit. They're some awesome guys. ... wow, i'm almost embarrassed not much else has really been going on in my life. I've seen a couple movies in the last couple weeks with Rob and ... well ... I guess that's been the extent of my going out really. This weekend was a relief because I've been holed up in my room doing hw all week. But I got to see Jourdan, Gerardo, Michael, Kara, and meet a few people this weekend. It was very refreshing and so necessary to get back to doing hw. Then, of course, I did a bunch of reading during the weekend days esp at Cafe Strada. It was nice. Got a bit done, but I have so much more to do. Anyways, back to reading right now to be ready for classes tomorrow.

Love you guys so much and I miss you.

Oh! P.S. I lost my cellphone, so you can get in touch with me on my room phone number (510) 664-0857.
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