(no subject)

May 14, 2005 12:15

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions!

1) If you were given the opportunity to be any person in history, who would you be and why?

Napoleon. He's powerful; he inspired his people; many othr things as well. And, certainly I would definitely pick a male. I should've been born a man.
But Philip said he really meant women. In that case, Elizabeth I.

2) Some devises a way to remove a potential from someone's life, and in a fit of rage, shoots you with it. You have to either live your life without any hope of power, knowledge (beyond basics for interaction in society), or love. Which do you pick to lose?

love, no question (if this is talking about romantic love). though it would be a sad fate.

3) Desert Island. Do you go with a bunch of Sci-Fi novels, Sci-Fi DVD's (and a player), or a gameless graphing calculator?

The novels, not even a question, you know i love to read more than most anything; though non-sci-fi shit would be a bit better, but i could play with words, make poetry, expand my vocabulary, etc.

4) Someone presents you with a really odd ultimatum. You have to give up every fashion of the performing arts, or you perish. Which do you do?

... isn't that obvious ... i don't have the arts if i'm dead do I? ... I don't live for the performing arts. So I would take giving that up.

5) For some odd reason, you get trapped right on the edge of an Event Horizon, then due to funny quantum-mechanical effects, get out...but its 1,000 years in the future. What do you expect society to be like (if it exists), and what do you do with your life?

Blah, the distant future? What do I care about that. Likely something depressing. I'd much rather go into the past. Since I've never really wanted to think about it, i haven't, but ... if i had to go 1000 yeras in the future... I actually don't think 1000 years will make too too too much of a difference. If however, I were thinking further in the future ...
I would certainly be behind the times and out of my depth. It would probably be the most miserable thing possible. Perhaps it would be a riddled waste land. Futuristic things obviously. Pollution. No trees. Nothing that makes the world inhabitable. Industrialized, but very fractionalized. If we were to become more tollerant of differences over time (which actually seems probable to me) it would be the only good thing in the world and even that would be downtrodden in competition for wealth and resources. Natural resources will have run out and we'll be making everything. Nuclear energy obviously (I'm not saying that that part is bad). An inordinate amount of waste absolutely everywhere. If we have gone into space, we'd have lucky, wealthy, intelligent people there. Apathetic, unfeeling, cold-hearted, selfish, without a conscience or any humanity at all. The type of people who become criminals. People that I'd believe don't deserve to live. And everyone else would also be hardened. Trying to survive, struggling to breathe the atmosphere and live in the weather. There'd be more than enough mechanical resources to go around, but our planent would be dying. I'd be helpless, hopeless, lost, insignificant, ignorant, stupid, and alone, and I would be hardpressed to struggle to survive.

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