(no subject)

Dec 23, 2004 00:51

so i've been doing alot of drinking this festive season. i got drunk thursday night up the inn. got drunk in le pub friday night (as per usual), got drunk saturday night over the inn, got drunk sunday at the gig in tj's (which was awesome), had a night off monday night, and then got pissed as fuck last night over the dolls house. we started out over garys, having a good old mothers meeting chat and then walked to the dolls house. after many a pint i decided it was time to have a TWC-RIP gig. (TWC is my band i recently left). it was bloody great. the crowd loved us. the shithead who runs the jam night asked us to get off stage, but we showed him, and did another number 1 (potential) hit because were punk. it was bloody cracking. i then stayed over leepys house, where he wined and dined me all night and following day. then work tonight which was shit, but there were alot of pissheads in so it was funny. i got practice with mark davies (ex drummer of lost profits :P) and little dai elkins (ex guitarist of TWC) 2moro, which should be fuckin marvolous. we'll see folks, we'll see.

im off up aber crimbo eve which is fantastic, and i guess i'll be drinking then again. great, my new years resolution is to get a new liver xxx
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