Dec 23, 2010 11:16
Though the merits of coffee vs tea have long been subject to intense academic and mainstream debate, with studies being conducted, and papers being published at regular intervals -
Ultimately the greatest difference between the two may just boil down to one single question:
Which one makes you crap in the morning?
What's next.. ah! A couple of limericks.. these people.. their names are quite suitable for limericks! Sorry you two.. though you prolly won't ever chance upon this blog wahahahha.. I'm on a roll baebee!
There was once a boy named Erwin
who, sadly, was no Gershwin
on the piano he played
and by tongues he was flayed
he'd be better off tapping on a basin
There was once a girl named Briani
Who loved to drench people with her curry
and when they ran
she smirked and sang
and helped herself to their money