Jun 20, 2004 23:51
I know it's been a while, but don't worry, you haven't missed anything. It turns out that my gaming location is far away from my home and I need transportation back and forth. That transportation has developed troubles, so I've had to improvise. However, last week, I wasn't sure how successful my improvising would be. Very few people showed up; certainly not enough for a quorum. Thankfully, one of them brought his Munchkin game and we all had fun.
This week, enough people figured out that they missed something last week and showed up. A good time was had by all.
It seems the party is broken into two segments that interact. It's been a challenge keeping them in roughly the same line.
Angelo (owner of the bar), is attempting to get a vibrosword made. One of the other characters is a cyborg created by an ace gadgeteer (he hasn't gotten much focus time, so don't worry if you missed him). The cyborg calls himself Jehuty or something like that (I think it's the name of a mecha from some videogame or anime). The gadgeteer is Dr. Kane.
It seems that Dr Kane has been visited by our Killer Geek friends and they smashed his lab. He offers to make Angelo's sword if Angelo can keep the Killer Geeks away.
Angelo first talks to his contacts in the underworld. This turns out to be a smuggler named Louis who talks like a French bum. He tell him that someone is bolstering the Killer Geeks, making them bolder. All he knows is that this benefactor is from New York and that nobody's ever seen him. (Clue anyone?)
Angelo goes to see Mucus Boy in the local lockup. He is becoming friendly with one of the members of the SWAT team that arrived in response to the initial battle. Her name is Officer Angela Claybourne. Angelo promises a visit from Peregrine (who's 50 by now, but probably has still "got it", and is likely still on TV) in exchange for information on how to join the Killer Geeks.
The PI, Longarm, in the meantime has recieved calls from 3 business owners in the area requesting protection from the Killer Geeks protection racket.
They are:
Fing Fang Foom (Charles Takahashi) is a joker who looks like a Chinese dragon and runs a dry cleaning business.
Clint Archer is a nat who runs the local Baskin Robbins. He has anti-joker leanings, but keeps them private.
Joan Simpson is a nat who runs an adult bookstore with her husband.
He decides to gather them together to deal with them as a group since they're all after the same thing. I don't recall much of what was resolved at this meeting, but it's where the session ended, so maybe the meeting isn't over yet.
The one player who was providing my transportation but isn't right now did not show (it was his ride too). Unfortunately, he's the one who plays Nastryth, so I haven't had the chance to do a scene with Father Icky. This will hopefully change soon.