fangirl post.

Oct 27, 2004 22:49

Jesus Christ, Fake is good. Love to sonormalithurts for borrowing three volumes for me.

I've been on a sweet manga high for the whole of today and yesterday evening. There just aren't so many manga series I've liked. I don't dislike it, I just feel indifferent towards the whole thing most of the time. I really dislike the art in some books and some are just plain weird. But there are a few series I've really liked reading. Fake being one. Ryo can be so clueless, it makes me laugh. And it's very sweet.

So. Harry/Ron. A pairing I've been reading a lot for some reason.

When I first started reading Harry Potter fanfiction, it was all about Harry/Draco and for quite a long time, I didn't read anything else. Then when I started reading other pairings as well, it was mostly really crappy het, the sort of fics I would definitely not read anymore. (Not because of the het part, but because of the crappy part. These fics were like ..fluffiest sugarfluff there is. Ew.)

The first Harry/Ron shipper I ran into on the realms of internet was fordanglia. I remember just visiting her LJ without friending her and just loving her entries and her personality. I'd always liked the Harry/Ron friendship, but when I saw she was a shipper, I just thought "Er, okay" and continued reading. I seriously had no feelings about the ship. No dislike, no like, nothing. I figured that in theory, I was a shipper because I had no objections to the ship. I hadn't really read any fic. I tried this one novel-length once and it didn't move me either way, so I stopped reading it (it was just quite boring, I think it was on

Then I started properly using my LJ and finally friended Britt and clicked on a few of her Harry/Ron recs, but never really bothered to read. Again, I can't say why. I liked the characters, I liked the way they worked together in canon but I guess I just didn't consider the possibility in fic. How hot it could be, how interesting it could be.

At some point I pretty much stopped reading fic. I just had other interests, no desire to read anything at that point. And when I started reading again, I started reading pretty much anything. I was more open to new pairings, I figured I could read any pairing if it was written well enough. And through that, I read a Harry/Ron fic or two. And really liked them, so I added it on my list of "Ships I Like and Approve" and began to keep an eye on any recs.

Wow, you can guess the rest, I think. "And so I saw the light and what a glorious light it was!"

Blah blah blah. Onto the recs!

The Harry/Ron Shipper Manifesto by hp_femme - I didn't even remember replying to her topic about views about this ship, but apparently I did, as I'm quoted in the essay and everything. It's a wonderful essay and I found myself nodding throughout reading it. Pretty much how I see the ship. Pretty much how a majority of shippers see it, I'd even say.

And then, a few of my absolute favourite Harry/Ron fics out there.

Close Enough by helenish - NC-17 - Recced to death by everyone, but for a very good reason, I assure you. I saw the recs, but gave the fic a pass because of the length (I am such a lazy reader, I know). Then, when I saw this recced in the essay mentioned above, I thought it really has to be something in order to be recced by friggin' everyone. So I read. And then I sat in front of my computer in awe for a few moments. Because. Wow.
Heartbreaking and twisted, angsty and still beautiful. And yet so magnificently in-character. And the other characters, too. They're all wonderful and feel so real and if someone had told what other pairings the fic has, I probably would have dismissed it because of them, because I'm prejudiced like that, but the fic made me absolutely adore those pairings. Which I why I won't tell them. Or anything about the plot. It's post-war, it's angsty, it's different. But it's just so damn clever and great.
Printworthy, I'd say. Definitely printworthy. (If the ink doesn't run out, as I expect this to be quite a few pages long.)

Guy Talk by icarusancalion - NC-17 - Any fic that has the Gryffindor boys talking about girls and sex and everything included has my interest. Especially if it's written this well. This piece gave me many good giggles and it's just so lovely. It also turns really hot in the end. And all the boys are portrayed adorably. Bless them and the author.
Printworthy, if the ink hasn't run out after I've printed Helen's fic.

Credulous Hearts by callmesandy - NC-17, I think - Another angsty piece, rather Ron-centric, which I of course liked a lot. Made me form the word "meep" a lot while reading it. I guess that means it's pretty damn heartbreaking. It's post-war and you can see it from the characters, from the way everything is set up. I can imagine the characters being so like this. Harry so subdued, Ron so ...clueless and stubborn. But it all works so well.
Printworthy, but only after dad buys more ink and paper.

Hang Of It by resonant8 plus it's companion piece, both NC-17 - It's awkward smut. It's so lovely and sweet and hot. And Ron is so Ron in the end I had to squee. Because really!
Printworthy, if I ever work up the courage to print plain smut off dad's printer.

Yes, will definitely have to do some printing this weekend. :D

But now I'm off to study bed!

recs, harry potter, shipping

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