
Oct 24, 2004 17:45

LJ Friends meme, gacked from someone I don't know so don't feel like mentioning.

Who on your friendslist

...have you known the longest? sonormalithurts, purplette and sunnies, who I've all known for around 3 to 4 years. Wait, I think I've known flad that long as well.

...introduced you to LJ? purplette!

...lives in a different country than you? Wow. I best mention the ones who live in the same country instead; sysis, sonormalithurts, moonburnt, lumen, baniigaaru, naroona, yanhe. Everybody else lives in a different country.

...have you met? sunnies & purplette were the people I first got to know online before I met them. sysis, sonormalithurts, naroona, yanhe I met in real life before way before any of them got LJs.

...would you like to meet? Well, Mags & Stephie again of course, and also _bleak_, claibe, izie, flad, x_nicky & godenviesme (the bbs posse) and possibly some others. I can get pretty shy when meeting new people, so yeah, don't know if I'd get along with certain people in real life.

...will you most probably meet in the next 12 months? Well, everyone I know in real life, of course and I might meet baniigaaru in the Finland-Czech Rep. match in fall 2005. And sunnies, if her plane has a landing in Finland. And any LJ friend who happens to visit Finland, probably. very close to you? naroona & yanhe, naturally, as I've known them for 16-17 years and we're cousins. Also, sysis & sonormalithurts. Then there are sunnies (much love <3) and purplette. And for some unknown reason I guess claibe is close to me as well. Must be the fact I've spent a lot of time discussing weird things with him on AIM. don't know very well yet? Ahh, any of the recent adds (they know who they are!) and some of the people I haven't talked to outside LJ much or at all. you admire the most? Wow. I don't know. I think purplette is an extremely strong person. I admire her for that. you relate to most? Tough one. I relate to a lot of people about different things, but no single person more than everyone else, I think. you want to get to know better? Well, everyone I don't know that well yet. Especially the new, recent adds.

...posts the most? I'm not sure. life_on_a_plate, lysrouge, _sparklegirl and anno_superstar post very regularly, I'd say.

...posts the least? ninthlayer doesn't post at all! purplette doesn't post a lot, but when she does, the entries are long and interesting. you think should hook up? Wha? Er. Right. I haven't got the slightest clue. But for humor's sake, I'll say exvicious and dontsassme. They know they want it. ;D the sluttiest? (How come this reasonably good meme just turned shit?) Er. sunnies IS MEGASLUT OMG. SHE GIVES OUT TO ANYONE WITH AN ISP NUMBER. the most mysterious? _hdcomic, bwahah. the weirdest? sonormalithurts, but she makes weird beautiful. the hottest? exvicious is teh sex. the girliest? _sparklegirl. She reminds me of the colour pink and flowy, girly dresses. Hehe. the manliest? (Ugh I hate the word manly.) Not to offend the other alphamales on my flist, but I think I'll say claibe. Because I haven't given him his daily ego rub, which his gigantanormous ego doesn't need. a writer? Many are. Half my flist, I'm pretty sure. _sparklegirl, lobelia321, _bleak_, izie, claibe, route55, honey_wheeler, to name a few. an artist? Artist, heh. Well, I know that sysis and emptyou both draw, sunnies studies digital art and graphics design, baniigaaru, anno_superstar, _sparklegirl and lysrouge make pretty icons... hardartist, on the other hand (OMG YOU SAID HAND LOLZORZ), has a rather popular webcomic. going to be a star? purplette, definitely. ;P a music freak? flad knows more about music than I could ever. a movie buff? claibe watches a fair amount, but he's not what I'd call a buff. He hasn't seen Casablanca, for fuck's sake! sonormalithurts has probably seen loads, as her house has such an impressive movie collection. a sports fan? Well, I know claibe and notapipe have been following the ..World Series, was it? intensely, and that baniigaaru's passion is football (soccer to some of you). a geek? I don't think anyone on my flist is an übergeek, really. A little geekiness is fine. Heh.

...believes in God? Hmm. I think a certain percentage of my flist believes in God, but most are agnostic/atheists. I can't be certain as I don't really ask anyone about these things, so I won't name anyone.

...dislikes homosexuals? I should hope no one! If I find out someone on my flist is homophobic, I think I will defriend. actively involved in politics? Hmm. Well, I think some are involved because of the US presidential election, but I know claibe is a Politics-major (I think?). He will become an evil dictator in the future.

...will vote for Bush in 2004? No one?

...will vote for Kerry? All who're able to vote? I may also have some people who won't vote or who will vote for someone other than Kerry or Bush, but I'm not sure.

...actually gives a damn about the presidential election? I think most do. Maybe some Europeans don't, not that much, but most Americans on my flist - definitely. involved (on some level) in a fandom or two? rubykate, anno_superstar, tabiji, fordanglia, lysrouge, savvyscamp, lobelia321 aaand a few more possibly.

...likes the same music you do? Well, many on my flist like The Smiths and The Cure and let's face it - bands everyone loves. purplette introduced me to the amazing Snow Patrol and anno_superstar loves Kent more than anyone else I know. naroona, flad and sonormalithurts share my AFI love. And many, many people on my flist share my past love for the band Offspring, for some peculiar reason. ;D

...reads a lot? _sparklegirl and gabbyhope seem to be always mentioning books they read, so I have the feeling they read a lot.

...was the last person you spoke to on AIM? hezzabeth about Spice Girls and all sorts of fun things.

...was the last person you spoke to on any other messenger program? _bleak_.

...will probably do this meme? No one, because it's so bloody long. x_x

...will think you're nuts for doing this meme? I doubt any will understand.

eta. Missed some questions. >_<


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