Wrote zilch this year, hence no gift!fic for me in return. Oh well.
Still a good year in fic otherwise.
"Hey, at least the camera's waterproof; we just got water with our proof. Success is sweet." David pulled back the covers and slipped into bed. Maddie flinched as his bare leg slid against hers. "Hey, it's alright. You can touch me. I'm not poison oak."
"Ya got that right," Maddie's voice was muffled. "Poison oak is quiet."
Synchronized Swimming, Moonlighting, David/Maddie // Magical and delightful and full of awesome in-character banter and OTP-y cuteness (because this show is all about the OTP). Aw. Totally makes me want to rewatch the show.
“So: When was the last time we received any food parcels?”
“Was it... twelve days ago?”
“Yes, well counted, Peter. Question two: Who do we think sent those food parcels?”
“Them. We're pretty sure it was Them.”
“Correct. The packaging was all wrong. Question three: Why do we think They were trying to keep us alive?”
“Because They prefer Their food to be fresh.”
The Show Must Go On, That Mitchell & Webb Look // The quiz show at the end of the world. Same sort of brilliant dark humour as these skits in the show. I was surprised and then delighted. The ending to this fic is pretty brilliant as well.
“You said you wanted to ride me like a pony!” Moss argued, “It just didn’t feel right.”
“And telling her that we’re gay did?”
“At the time, yes. Upon further consideration I do concede it was a bad plan, but right now you are both drunk and topless… it is hardly the time to be talking about sex.”
Wild Drunken Sexy Time, The IT Crowd, Jen/Moss/Roy // Smutty threesomes shouldn't be conceivable with these characters but apparently they are. This meets the requirements; funny & in-character. Loved it.
Insert Tab A into Slot B. Shake repeatedly.
"I give up," Abed declares, tossing his pen down. "Everybody's gay."
Britta's hand goes up immediately. "I call Annie."
Creative (Non)Fiction, Community, ensemble // Abed has to write fanfiction. Yes. You read that correctly, and it's just as funny as you could imagine. :DDD
[---] it still doesn't come close to matching how Abed always remembers to tell Troy to look away when there's a centipede on the Discovery Channel. Or how Abed totally doesn't think it's weird when Troy suggests reenacting Forrest Gump with GI Joe dolls, and doesn't even look at him funny when Troy ends up crying after Cobra-Jenny tells Spy-Trooper-Forrest that she has AIDS.
The Closest Approximation, Community, Troy/Abed // I am pretty sure that this is the One Troy/Abed Story to Rule Them All. The transition from bromance to romance is always tricky but with this fic it totally works, and it just builds on the whole crazy universe these two have built for themselves.
And speaking of Community, I don't have the time to properly rec everything cool I read in that fandom but I loved
this Troy/Abed story a ton (hermit crabs! awkwardness!), as well as
this story where the gang goes through genres and
this sweet fic about Abed & Troy finding the rest when they go missing,
this one where Troy & Abed realize their life is a romcom and
this magically sweet Troy/Abed fic featuring egg-babies.
"One day later than yesterday, one day closer."
"We should have this put on a record," Jim says. The bed shifts under him as he moves. "I could play it on the gramophone in the mornings, and then you wouldn't have to wake up at all."
"That would deprive you of your fun," says George. "What would you do without a foil to your insufferable cheerfulness? Half the pleasure of it's in your feeling superior to me."
One Day Like This, A Single Man, George/Jim + Charlotte // Flows beautifully, captures the wistful mundane feeling I always got from the flashback scenes in the film. This is just the sort of fic I would hope for this film.
This small room is suddenly strange, packed with their ghosts: Rosa, Golbez, Baron; Odin, and their childhoods. Cecil pours generously; this wine is spiced, and even just the scent of it warms his face. Kain raises his in a solemn toast, and Cecil is reminded of a scene much like this, he and Kain as fumbling teenagers, with pilfered wine and tangled clothes, and his face flushes darker.
“Here’s to the Dragoons,” he says, purposefully, because it was their old toast, wondering whether Kain will rise to the bait-
“And here’s to the Knights,” Kain says, smooth and intense and they both drink deeply now. The memories are playing across Cecil’s vision like the flickering firelight, and if it weren’t for that low burn he’d be content with this winter, sitting beside a fire with his best friend and drinking mulled wine.
Content With This Winter, Final Fantasy IV, Kain/Cecil, Cecil/Rosa // The prose is just beautifully fitting to the world and though I don't normally go for Kain/Cecil in this fandom, this fic was so good I simply couldn't stop reading. It gets smutty towards the end but characterizations runs thick and deep throughout, so it's just a very worthwhile read. And Rosa in this is just wonderful, so much like I see her.
I am getting stupendously tired of writing this entry so let's just say I also recommend
the two fics for MLP: Friendship is Magic and
this Arrested Development George Michael/Maeby story (as well as the other ones written in the fandom for those two this year). The archive, as usual, is filled with good stuff so
have a look around. :)