I uploaded some (er, many) screencaps I took of the Telugu film Oy for Bollywhat's Siddharth topic so I might as well post them here as well.
Unlocked for the continued attempt of not locking all of my LJ down.
Warning: smoking is injurious to health. Siddharth in cute Telugu films may cause addiction.
For the uneducated: yeah, Indian dude that looks like a puppy. And I love him just like that.
He wears Raybans a lot in this movie. And I mean a lot.
I just really like this shot.
It's always good times when he gets his drink on.
This little girl is in the top five cutest Indian kids I've seen in films. SERIOUSLY. THE TINY.
Ah the deep levels of yoga fail.
Yeah what up.
Holy pattern party, Batman!
Okay, time to end this inane commentary.
I'll have to write about this movie later on for So they dance but for now I'll say I definitely have some issues with it, the plot is like a pick-and-mix bag of plot ideas from other romantic films but at the same time ...THE CUTE. IS SO CUTE. SO MUCH CONCENTRATED CUTE.
This scene, even though I suspect it's a total copy from a film I haven't seen but know the plot of, is so goood. Ah. Hey brain, remember when we used to be rational about Siddharth? Yeah, me neither. :(
Says it all.
Oh and finally.. THE RAY BAN COLLECTION:
Let's hope somebody got sponsorship money for this..