Let's talk about
The story begins with two MC's & one DJ; Epik High has been one of my favourite Korean groups for a few years now. I'm not hugely into the genre they began in - hiphop - but I grew to love their sound, their lyrics, their sincerity. I bought all of their albums, a sign that they rank high as not just one of my favourite Korean bands, but my overall favourites in music, any genre, any continent.
Truthfully, when I first picked up their 4th album, one of their very best, Remapping the Human Soul, and scanned the booklet to find these words - "no genre just music" - I rolled my eyes. Music can be genre-defying or defining, but it always falls into categories. But despite the air of pretension there, instead of saying "we're above genre", I think what the phrase really means is that they don't want to set certain limits to themselves. Epik High's music is, at the core, hiphop. But it's not the sole genre to define it. Like ultimately to say X band is rock is not to say much about it; every group should strive to create its unique version of a certain genre.
In terms of popularity, in terms of creativity, in terms of talent, I believe Epik High is only getting stronger. Their latest venture proves it.
And that brings us to -
MAPTHESOUL.COM At the height of their popularity, Epik High launched this independent entertainment company. Those who know Korean mass media and popular culture might understand the movement; music videos banned, lyrics edited and though the group had a good relationship with their previous record label, they didn't feel free to make exactly the kind of music they wanted to under the mainstream corporate wing.
Now, of course, even Map The Soul is a company and you could argue this is essentially no different than all the other companies and labels and whatnot. They have to make a buck at the end of the day, too. But in this case, reading through the book - not booklet, book - that comes with Epik High's official unofficial album "Map the Soul" (only available through the website), I can't not believe the sincerity, love and devotion to music that founded this company.
They simply had no reason to go indie other than the sole fact that this is what felt right to them. They don't get more money out of this, or less work hours. In some ways it puts them back to square one. But it does give them independence and freedom to interact with their fans as they choose, making the music that they wish to; mapthesoul has already emerged as a channel and a community.
So I know the internet is about sharing. But 'free' doesn't just mean 'free of charge' and so I wanted to make this post not just to plug one of my favourite bands but to ask that if you like them, please support their new-found freedom by buying their records through
Thank you for reading.
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One (from 5th album - Pieces Part One).
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Breakdown (also from 5th album).
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Day of Peace (from 2nd album - High Skool).
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Love Love Love (from 4th album - Remapping the Human Soul).
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Follow the Flow (from 3rd album - Swan Songs). English track, one of my biggest favourites.
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Fallen Blossoms/Nakhwa (from 5th album).
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Paranoia part 1 (from 4th album).
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Mr Doctor (from 4th album).
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Free Music (from Map the Soul) - English track, Tablo's verses here pretty much sum up why they went indie.