"it broke when i was pretending it was my penis. robot penis!"

Jan 31, 2009 22:14

I caught up with 30 Rock and omg, I always forget how much love this show is and then it has some crazyawesome episode filled with laugh-out-loud moments and amazingness.

I cannot believe my sort-of-ship Jenna/Lutz actually happened and was perfectly funny and freaky and just ... I don't know, for whatever reason I adore Jenna like something crazy, she's like my second favourite regular character after Liz. Eee. I squee'ed megahard when Jenna/Kenneth happened. Yeah, I'm a dork like that. I ship Jenna with everybody. :D Period.

Oh and I adore the whole Liz/Jack storyline in this. I'm really torn on whether I ship them or not. In some ways they really are better off as these sort of crazy BFF's who can rely on each other and who are simply perfect just like that, but in other ways it's also like ... like they're going to end up with each other because at the end of the day they're just that good for each other, nobody else can be better. Lifemates without the romantic/sexual entanglements, I guess you could call it. But the storyline in this episode? OMG. Just full of that kind of platonic shippiness that I fully adore.

I also loved the episode where Liz briefly dated a little person who worked at the UN. He was too awesome! Too bad she - as usual - was way too dorky for her own good and it ended badly. I wanted to love Salma Hayek's guest appearance but while the Puerto Rican joke was great, I wasn't too into it.

I also caught up with The Office (US) and hmmm. You know, this is a weird show for me. It still manages really funny, solid episodes and I think it has a lot of really great stuff but at times I get all purist about how it could do with a little more of the original UK series. Like, they never have the quiet "people are just working" moments. And they never allow characters privacy; cameras follow them home and even into "secret" meetings, and nobody ever takes off their microphone like in the original. I don't mind it but I think sometimes it would build up more intrigue to not get to see everything. And while I really enjoy the variety and largeness of the cast (even grew to enjoy some of the later additions like Ed Helms as Andy), the plot arcs have become a little too soapy. And I ..don't care about Jim/Pam anymore. And they can't seem to revive that pairing without going further into soapsville.

I don't know, I guess what I'm saying is that I really enjoy it, but it definitely has these problems that make sure I can't get into it *that* deeply. I mean, at the end of the day, the funny matters, not the ships. But the ships were also a part of the initial draw. It's odd.

tv: the office, tv: general, shipping, tv: 30 rock

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