Even Odds, Jai/Veeru, R. How they met.
For meeeeeee. The porniness was surprising but not unwelcome and I basically really like all of this; characterization, tricksiness, the coin. There is another Sholay story this year, also slash but I haven't been able to read through it yet, it looks good, though.
30 Rock
So many stories for this fandom this year. Here were the ones I liked the most.
Protégé-Mentor Guidelines, Jack/Liz. Banter whilst sex which sounds weird, I know, but it totally works.
You Are Cordially Invited, Jack/Liz implied. More subtle shippiness, kind of like on the show, and it's really fantastic.
Almost Like Back to the Future, in a Way, Jack/Liz, insane insane CRACK. Massive crack. Loved it, but boy was it nutty.
Lots of good Bones fic this year. A lot of them have been recced so much already I thought I'd rec this..
Pie and Sweets, subtle Booth/Brennan feat Dr Sweets. Okay. Did WGA writers escape to Yuletide this year? This is so in-character and I normally think dialogue-only fic as lazy. I can just see the actors act out these lines and it's delightful. Spoilers for S3.
Coffee Prince
Canvas, Hansung/Yooju. Cute little ficlet.
Scenes From the Lives of Princes, basically all the pairings. God this is so perfect with like everything and such sweetness and fgdfkgh I just loved it. Spoilers for the end of the drama.
Coupling UK
The Gift Trap. Reads like an amazing unaired episode of Coupling. Must-read, absolutely.
And the Winner Is, Vince/E. Awards shows throughout Vince's career. This was just lovely.
Top Billing, Vince/E, NC-17. Results of landing on a 20 million deal. This one is maybe my favourite Entourage fic ever.
Green Wing
Adam and Eve It. Theater banter fic, so fucking spot on and funny I can't help but love it.
Knocked Up
Do What You Gotta Do, Alison/Ben. If you saw this movie and loved it, YOU NEED TO READ THIS FIC. I can't stress this enough, the fic is just so spot-on with the characters and dialogue and humor of the film, it's incredible.
Bullshit, gen, Evan & Seth. What I said about the Knocked Up fic goes for this one, too. This fic is just everything that the movie was in terms of characterization and humor. It made me go "aww!" and it made me laugh out loud. READ IT.
Sex Pistols aka Love Pistols
All of the stories in the archive for this manga are totally recworthy, these two stories were written for this year.
bluebirds fly beyond, Yonekuni/Shiro. Lovely angsty, more dysfunctional treatment to the pairing than I'm used to, but it really works, especially given the choice of topic.
Natural Instinct, Kunimasa/Norio, Yonekuni/Shiro. They go camping. Which is roffle in itself but the treatment the cracky scenario gets here is delicious.
Sesame Street
Why Sex Ed Should Stay in Schools, Ernie/Bert, NC-17. This is fucking brilliant and so wrong and just amazing and everybody needs to read it RIGHT NOW.
Why? Let this quote demonstrate: "Oh, I was just thinking about in and out, Bert. In fact, I've been thinking about in and out a lot lately."