Actually, I *do* have some deep and analytical thoughts on this movie.
Sort of.
Re: James Norrington RIP
See, I could be like "Writers, I've got your address and a letter bomb - what do you think I will do now?" but on the other hand, not. Norrington was a favourite because not only was he played by awesome Jack Davenport, he was also all sorts of interesting by starting out as the villain but never quite taking the role of the *actual* villain. He was far too lovable - and hot - to be the bad guy for too long.
Especially in the second movie, I found the whole downfall of the character really interesting. He's obviously somebody who's largely defined by his status and title but also sort of craving for something actual. I guess it's part of the reason why he's so hung up on Elizabeth - she represents that something else, a love and a purpose of some sort. He also seemed like one of the few really very adult characters in the film - I guess by adult I mean he understands duty, responsibility and is very rational about his decisions. When he loses his status, he loses his usual nature completely and goes to ruin but is still very much driven to gain his former self, his "true" self - or at least the him that he strives to be.
I did like the whole part of the story where he realizes pirates can be good guys, too. I mean, yeah, fucking cliché but it was full circle for the character. And then I was just mentally begging for it to turn out that he's not ACTUALLY dead. You know, he could've joined Davy's crew. I wouldn't mind him looking seafaced. He could've angsted and been seafaced and all that good stuff. But no, he dies. After kissing Elizabeth.
That part doesn't somehow gel with me. I can like rationally see how it makes sense and all that but when I saw it, I still didn't like it. It was almost like he knew he would die and it was his last chance to do something like that. He said, "I'll follow you" and seemed to mean it, so why desperately give her a frantic kiss (even though it was hot). I don't like the idea that he would give up like that, it doesn't seem like him at all. He's a fighter type.
OR maybe I'm just biased because I hate Keira Knightley's face.
But still. Norrington, god what a waste of hotness. He could've totally been a pirate, he was half-way there already what with being through moral decay and helping pirates escape. C'moooon.
*licks stamps for letter bomb*
There's also this point about the fact that a lot of the time fans see things writers just simply do not. I see Norrington as this character with huge awesome potential and only half of it realized in canon and he can angst in a wig or puke on the streets of Tortuga and swordfight Jack Sparrow and it's all awesome and then enter third movie, he's like "OH HAY PIRATES CAN B GUD 2!" and "Elizabeth I still luv you :(" and *DED BY DADDY TURNER*.
And yet I can't be too disappointed because honestly, if POTC 3 had been "The Woes of James Norrington", it wouldn't have really been POTC 3. That's what I mean, you can't expect writers to cater to each fan's specific fancies. I think I'm entitled to my disappointment but at the same time, I can't feel justified raging enormously. Shrug, move on.
Re: Clone Jack Sparrows
I don't know, I personally just found it a bit too out there.
Re: Semi-unpopular (?) opinions
Was glad over the return of Elizabeth/Will as they pwn the crap out of Jack/Elizabeth non-ship ew ew ew.
But ... (All fans of the pairing - or the actors in it - might want to scroll past the following comment just to save their daily anger quota or something.)
I literally wriggled in my seat because I found it so weirdly gross. As I said in my mini-review on BollyWHAT..
I can watch those crab-faced sailors for 4 hours non-stop and can imagine kissing squidface Davy Jones - whom I love and find one of the most interesting characters in the whole movie series - without a problem but Orlando/Keira leg love was just ew ew ew.
YEAH I SAID IT. I couldn't even watch.
See, they give all this motherfucking screen time to two "Hollywood-sexy" people (I have never and never ever will find Orlando Bloom hot and Keira Knightley has a body of a 12 year old boy so even if I found her hot, I couldn't admit to it on LJ) and save a couple of cool scenes totally ignore an unhot but highly interesting pairing of Davy Jones/Calypso which brings me to...
(Oh and while I admit Will was rather tolerable and Elizabeth not as annoying as in 2nd movie, I still don't like the two characters. Sorry. :P)
Re: Davy Jones
OH SQUIDFACE I LOVE YOU. Your tentacle-porn-meets-horror-movie killing moves, your emo tear of piano loneliness and your actual self (Bill Nighy, nice to see you under all that CGI!) and your angry betrayal and your unpredictable-goddess-in-human-form lover.
Not to mention swash-buckling on the mast with Jack. Oh oh oh awesome.
Re: Now You See Him, Now You Don't
Re: This Is a Total Lost Opportunity at Bollywood/Hollywood Crossover
The Indian pirate could've been SO much cooler. :(
Re: True OTP
Gibbs/Jack. Fact. (That one scene at the end? Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.)
No, seriously, fact. End of discussion.
I cannot say I wasn't entertained - that would be lying. And it was drawn out and the plot was totally all over the place and certain things didn't quite gel but I can't say it sucked or was bad. It was very much like the second movie. I liked it. Not enough to get on DVD or anything but still, very fun to see on the big screen.
I have a scarily awesome fic idea now I will never write but am amused thinking about it.
Other stuff;
Shinhwa films each other sleeping (for
sonormalithurts' interest).
PS. LJ coding hates me. Sorry if this for a small while blasted uncut spoilers all over your flist. Should be fine now.