fanfiction recommendations meme.

May 29, 2007 12:26

WRITER’S MEME: Sometimes it’s okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of the top five favorite fics you’ve written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn’t about the BEST things you’ve written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same. (Anyone on flist who wants to, should do this.)

I'm gonna pimp mostly non-big fandoms because I'm cool like that. And recent fics. I'm going with a "what I love the most right now"-feel.

soul refugees, or: teachers & students - Death Note, L/Light, spoilers for pretty much the entire manga, at least technically // Nobody read this because hardly anybody has read/been spoiled for the entire manga but this story is seriously just one of those stories my brain cooked up and I was like, WTF. But it's also brilliant. It's minimalistic. It's freaky. It's oddly shippy. It's revenge. I love it to pieces.

ten people tim mcmanus didn't sleep with - OZ, Tim/various, spoilers for S3 // Tim is such a slut. It's very funny. Oz is funny. More people should get into Oz. It has prison violence and gay romance. You know you'd dig it, c'mon.

breakdowns & downfalls - Dil Se/Fanaa, Rehan(/Zooni) & Meghna(/Aman), spoilers for both movies, duhh //
dangermousie told me it was one of her favourite fics in any fandom. Well, mine too.

how to be dead - Harry Potter, Sirius/Fawkes, R, AU(ish), NOT BESTIALITY c'mon what do you think I am.. //  I don't care what anybody says, this could easily be one of the best fanfics written, ever. Allow me the cockiness, please. It's motherfucking Sirius/Fawkes. And it works. Yeah, I'm awesome. Period.

brainmates - Heroes, Sylar/Mohinder, R(ish), spoilers for 1x18 // It's fucked up and long. I like it when I write stuff like that.

READER’S MEME: Sometimes it’s ok to pimp yourself out and sometimes it wins at life to pimp other people. Post a list of your favorite fics you’ve read, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them, or why you think other people should give them a chance. Then tag five other people to do the same, and start READING!!!

Hmm, I'm gonna have to dig up some old links for this one...

Ice by Leela Starsky, Star Wars, Han/Leia // Seriously one of the absolute best SW fics and perhaps the best H/L story in existence. Perfect characterizations, even for side characters like Luke. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I've read this a million times and I can read it another million times.

Overture by WaxJism, X-Men movieverse, Iceman/Pyro // I don't know why I love this so much. WaxJism is an excellent fandom writer but that's really not why. It was one of those stories I've just read multiple times because it's perfect and hot and gets so many things right.

Thousandth Man by Zahra, Harry Potter, multiple pairings but mainly Theodore Nott/Neville Longbottom // Theo/Neville is a total fanon ship and this? Is the fanon of it. It's just friggin' amazing and sheds so much light on Nott's character and it makes me like Slytherins, really like Slytherins and oh Christ, you haven't known Neville until you've read Zahra's fic of Neville.

Hold Me Close by Sioniann, Harry Potter, Ron/Hermione // The best R/Hr is always angsty as fuck. Always.

I don't have any more stories that come straight to mind. Take those, have fun with them.

For the readers meme, I will tag
plazmah and
phasera but do not feel obligated.. Just do it if you feel inspired. :)

star_wars, tv: heroes, recs, death note, harry potter, fanaa

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