- Claire likes the quarterback? Or was she just saying it to be appear all cheerleader-y? The QB guy is laaaame.
- Hiroooooo and his Japanese work friend!! So much love. So much LOVE. Love how Hiro's all "We have to do this together!" and his friend is all "Er, yeah right..."
- Oh Pete. Oh ooooh Dr Suresh's book! Has the f-style thingy, too. Clever.
- WTF Mohinder. Stop with the angst!
- Oh I like the telepath guy.
- "That narrows my choices down to a freak or a guinea pig." Wow, Claire is kind of right. Smart cheerleader? Going against the stereotype again, it would seem.
- I don't like how my commentaries always end up being all "Hirooooo!!!" but dude, that just ROCKED with the comic book and omg, Hiroooo. And I so love his friend (Aido, right?) as well. This is too cool for school.
- Sylar's house is freeeeeakyyyy. But why is he killing his own kind? Hmm.
- Omg, FBI security sucks.
- I am cracking up at Hiro & Aido in the plane so bad. It's just hilarious!
- Hoooolyyyyy crap with the rape and the QB guy!
- Damn you Nathan and your political ways.
- HIRO IS THE BEST THING ON TELEVISION EVER. Ahem, seriously, I'm just jumping up and down with excitement whenever he's on-screen.
- I think the telepathy guy's "heard thoughts" are sooooo cheesy, though I don't mind hugely.
- Wait, so Sylar's en evil black dude?! Ohgod what is going on?! How did he get to clean his NYC apartment and then get to the telepath dude??
This show kills me. Chrrrrriiiiist. This show just keeps getting awesomer by each episode. HIRO! CLAIRE! SYLAR OMGWTFBBQ! Loving it. This episode totally makes up for there not being a Bones episode this week.
I just want to type the word "Hiro" over and over again. That's the sort of crazy giddy love I have for the character. Vegas baby! I can't wait for next week's episode.