So.. George Michael/Maeby. I'll rec first, blabber later on..
game over pink champaigne by
passionflows, PG-13 - Nobody wanted this show to end (well, nobody I knew anyway), so it's good to have continuation in fic form. So obviously this fic contains SPOILERS FOR THE THIRD SEASON, but if you have seen all of third season, do read it. It's funny and clever in just the way the show is, and so very in-character.
Walking Home by
perrynqa, G - A very cute little something that would take place in Season 1. George Michael and Maeby walk home from work.
It's always gotta be the same in my world by
lalejandra, PG - One of the first GM/M fics I've read. This captures George Michael in an awesome way, all of his teenage awkwardness intact, basically through the voice of the Narrator. Fantastic stuff.
truth is nothing yet by
starstillwonder, PG - Sometimes Maeby hates the banana stand. Short, but good, adorable look at the two in season one again.
abulia by
angelgazing, G - With this pairing, it's totally allowed to link to a "mere" drabble. This one is really lovely. The author has also written
other fantastic little things, which are all well worth checking out.
chicken of the sea by
one900, PG - It's basically just a scene, an ordinary one, but still it seems to speak volumes. I guess it's kind of how this pairing is, always present and yet not. Of course, there's also just the sheer power of good writing.
Les Cousins Dangereux by
winter_baby - They actually go see that movie. This is probably the least sweet and fluffy GM/M I've encountered, but the dramatic touch is right on in this one. It also deals with the maybe-sort-of-incestiness of the pairing (even though some of us know the conclusion by now).
The Halfway Girl by
zarahemla, PG-13 - Maeby-centric. There's something quiet and soft about this story, it fits the pairing and the characters so well. I love Maeby in this fic - everything about her is so real.
the youth and beauty brigade by
passionflows - Short, excellent, perfect.
continental breakfast by girlintheattic, PG-13, also includes Michael/Lindsay - More really lovely Season 3 aftermath fic. Because it all works out, in a twisted way.
And just so I don't lose this link: Perrynqa's list of AD fic So yeah. In case some of you were wondering, this rec post is probably what I'll be cut-n-pasting into my George Michael/Maeby
ship_manifesto which is due 24th. I signed up immediately after I had watched the last episodes of Season Three. Those of you who have seen it, know why.
Now I'll share some random general thoughts about the pairing and if you have anything to say or to add, use the comment button. :)
I think GM/M is one of those canon pairings that truly supports the show. That is, Arrested Development would probably be a good show without it, but GM/M definitely adds to the humor, the plot(s) and especially the characters in so many ways, it would kind of be less of the awesome show it was, if it didn't have this pairing. Just the way the writers worked around the pairing, the hopes of it happening in the viewers' (and George Michael's minds), played with the alternatives (Ann, Steve Holt..), came up with awesomely funny double meanings etc.. Whether you liked the pairing or didn't (and you most likely did, anyway), it definitely added to the show.
This is where I start talking spoilers for ALL of the seasons so stop reading now if you don't want to know or don't already know what happens.
Now, the thing about this pairing has always been about the question of incest. It's what all the funny gathers around, really, from that moment on when they break away after their first kiss and hear police alarms. "I knew it was illegal!" George Michael exclaims in shock. That, and the fact that they're both teenagers and teenagers are always more or less awkward. George Michael of course takes awkward to a whole new level. But yeah.
The incest thing has always been iffy in my mind. I mean there were times when I was thinking "Oh god, they CAN'T be!" when it seemed like they really were cousins and times when I thought, "Well of course!" when it was looking it they weren't. So the final decision? Not a surprise, but not really something I expected, either. At least not the way it finally turned out. What with the marriage and all.
It's weird, though, because a lot of ships one can usually feel like "oh, wish they'd get together & stay together forever and ever". But with this one.. I really can't say I do. Maybe it's that they're so young or just that they're still kind of family or the fact you can never tell with this show or just the fact things ended as they ended in the show - half-open, half-not, just plain odd with going ons.
GM/M is the kind of ship where I don't know what I want to happen to them - I want a happy ending but I don't know what the hell that is with them right now. And that's kind of odd, but I think in the end it's the same with the whole show. I'm just completely in the blue as to how it could or will continue. Is the end really the end? Sometimes I feel like I need more of a sense of closure, but then I think maybe I got closure, I just refuse to accept it as such.
It's weird, but I guess it really all comes down to cute, awkward teenagers together. With a "will they, won't they" and a question of familial love hanging over their heads. Yeah.
Anyway, a conversation everyone will recognize to end this post:
Maeby: I should go to my mom tonight and be, like, “I met the cutest guy,” and then she’ll see you and me totally making out.
George Michael: (Laughing.) Yeah. (Continues laughing.) But not really, right?
Maeby: It’s perfect! She’d freak out, and I’d be, like, “Mom, if we saw each other more often, this wouldn’t happen.”
George Michael: But we’re cousins.
Maeby: That’s what makes it funny.
George Michael: But isn’t it against the law?
Maeby: Come on, George Michael.
And scene.