Dear Femslashex 2017 Creator!

Aug 23, 2017 17:50

HELLO, HUMAN. I hope this letter helps you freak out 80% less about your fic. Isn't writing a beautiful pile of garbage? Yes, yes it is. I think the tl;dr here is go with your gut and I'll probably love your idea no matter how ridiculous it is. There's absolutely brilliant fic out there with the premise "Taylor Swift is a space goblin". YOU'LL BE FINE.

General likes: humor, absurdity, found families, ensembles, hurt/comfort, crossovers, actual porninappropriateness, casefic/monster of the week, just tropes in general. I couldn't stand babyfic, but now I'm a sucker for disaster families trying to raise a tiny human together. I'm okay with fluff, but I'd rather characters show that they love each other than declare it in sappy I love yous. You could literally write me 1000 words of "Char A washes Char B's hair" and I'd look at you like Charles Boyle looks at a perfect souffle. Here is my fic rec Tumblr tag, if it'll help.

Things I don't want: first person pov, rape, vore, scat, first time, unhappy endings, omegaverse, wingfic.

Okay, so I tried to be helpful about my requests but it turns out I just rambled a lot. I also tried to include examples of my favorite fic for that paring/fandom, just off the top of my head.

Music RPF
Okay. So. Remember that Tumblr post that's like "behind every hufflepuff here's a slytherin ready to kill you if you hurt their darling" (I CAN'T REMEMBER THE ACTUAL WORDS, OKAY) I'm pretty sure Taylor would cook your mom and then tell you it was chicken if you made Karlie cry. JUST SAYING. Please don't write me fic demonizing their RL boyfriend's in order to get them together (I actually really like Josh and Karlie has probably pegged him at least once), or fic that's just Evil Management Made Me Lie. This is your world! I really don't care if you have a super tight timeline of events or just handwave it or go full vampire AU.

Fave fics for this pairing: Wolves of Swift River, Like We Stood A Chance, Find Me In The Forest, Blurricane, Top Flight.

Demi/Taylor, Selena/Demi/Taylor
For Demi and Taylor I would love something along the lines of enemies-to-lovers-I-GUESS. "What does that even mean, Mary?" It means they hateread each other's blog and kiss when they're frustrated BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE YOU OKAY. Meanwhile, Selena/Demi/Taylor is like this golden dynamic where Demi and Taylor do not necessarily like each other but would do anything for Selena, who loves them both, AND I CAN REALLY LIVE WITH THAT.

Bad Blood
Bro. Broooo. Any combination of Catastrophe, Arsyn and Knockout will be perfect. There's so much you can do in that world and just so many Feelings buried under like 3945 layers of history and resentment and punches.

Fave fics in this fandom: American Doll Posse, paperclipbitch's drabbles

Wynonna Earp
Waverly/Nicole, Rosita/Waverly, Rosita/Nicole/Waves


Again, I like poly ships and have no problem with any combination of these three gils. I think Waverly was clearly Shook By Science, and I think Nicole likes Waverly so much she can't even be smooth anymore because the inside of her head is "khfgkdjhgfdgwaverlyfeelingskhdfjsdf????!!!!" at all times. I love that Waverly is married to a skull AND her shotgun. I don't know I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING SO MUCH.

I didn't nominate this pairing but when I saw it listed I immediately cackled? I think Wynonna clearly inspired Mercedes and Mercedes was like the one person from Wynonna's youth who didn't suck ass. I have this tiny secret hope that Mercedes might get... her face.... back... somehow, because I was sad to see that relationship go. But really, just imagine the hilarity that would be Wynonna 24h after kissing Mercedes oh my god.

(I also have a pet Rosita/Wynonna situation happening in my heart, if that's your thing.)

Fave fics in this fandom: still trying to recover from lorata's Poor Little Asshole & co

Emma/Regina, Emma/The Evil Queen/Regina, Regina/Mal
They're just. So married. And perfect for each other. And absolute idiots? And I will fight you if you tell me Regina and Mal haven't kissed at least once. Baby!Regina thought Mal hung the moon and it was beautiful. Emma and Regina have literally sacrificed themselves for each other like 100 times? I don't even know what to say here, they're so great.

Also, I'm not saying I would die if you wrote Emma/The Evil Queen/Regina, but maybe I would die if you wrote Emma/The Evil Queen/Regina. Emma loves all of Regina and it's... so much... hgdfg

Faves for this pairing: pretty much everything in deemn's bookmarks and body of work.

Fashion RPF
Joan Smalls/Karlie Kloss
BEAR WITH ME. Joan is the only one of Karlie's 400 wives I've never read fic of, and they pretty much got engaged during House of Style???? If yo need inspiration, my (ship) everything the sun touches tag is 99% them and now that I went to check it I remembered that my best pal @ifyouresure one typed the words "consultant sherkloss holmes and her partner doctor joan watson (portrayed by joan smalls)" and now I need to lie down.

Saints Row
Kinzie/Viola, Kinzie/Boss, Shaundi/Boss
My true OTP here is Shaundi/Happiness. Shaundi's progression throughout the series is the definition of EVERYTHING HAPPENED SO MUCH. And can you believe Shaundi and Pierce are literal siblings fighting over the dumbest shit? I CAN. Meanwhile, Gat Out Of Hell was the ballad of Kinzie and Viola, and I still can't believe Kinzie's safe word was tea cup.


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