oh, self.

Apr 09, 2011 13:13

I just want you to know that I am one episode away from finishing season three of Grey's Anatomy, that-TV-show-I-don't-like-except-Kate-Walsh, and what is that George and Izzie thing? Who thought that was a rational place to go? Where was I years ago when someone needed punching? Who even hurts a dorky teddy bear cage fighter a.k.a. Callie?


I also want you to know I found part of this in my manip folder and I don't understand what possessed me to make it in the first place (did I even post this?), but I think we all agree it's great when I embarrass myself.


And I guess I didn't want you to know this, but I realized it might be creepy if I don't let you know this, so if isaidquirky is following you on tumblr, that is me. I CAN'T HELP IT IF I STALK PEOPLE, IT'S WHO I AM.

crack, breaking news: lj cut my other l8n tag, tv:greys anatomy, blake is a giant golden retriever, manips, pic!fic, bleighton

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