Writing is stupid. I did manage to get exactly 502 words out for a Wizards of Waverly Place/Princess Protection Program crossover that I totally stole from
amathela (as you know, that is the kind of loser-y that is my life now) but I'm counting it as an accomplishment, considering everything else I plot out stays like that - nicely plotted out. At least this one didn't drown in the mating call of the drama llama. Much. Yet.
Also, I don't want a Disney tag but I guess I have Disney thoughts? Like how I can't seriously believe there isn't a single Sonny/Tawni story out there (ARE YOU TELLING ME IT'S NOT CANON THAT 50% OF THAT PAIRING ENJOYS HUMILIATING AND THE OTHER 50 ENJOYS PLEASING? FANDOM) or how I apparently get offended when people other than me point out that Miley is evil. Obviously, she is, but the ~next Lindsay Lohan~? Really? Really? I'm insulted on behalf of both parties. (See what I did there? Parties. No? Okay.)
Meanwhile, I still haven't gotten around to watching last Monday's Gossip Girl. I'm easily amused and all, and I had (have?) hopes, but just how many weeks will they waste reminding us that everything they attempt with Chuck and Blair results in fail and rage? NOT EVEN WILLOW AND KENNEDY AND RAPE PUT ME OFF BUFFY, WRITERS. CONGRATS. Just bring on the obligatory Christmas Carol episode where the Ghost of Bow Ties Past is all, "Get in, loser. We're going shopping." Then we find out the Ghost of Bow Ties Past is the Ghost of Headbands Past and Chuck and Blair are sharing a dream, because that is trippy and cool. But also because evil gains more from working together in making Dan and Nate's married life hilariously miserable. Twist!
I don't even know what I'm typing anymore.