spinning out of control!

Jan 29, 2007 00:18

i caught hoobastank a while ago.

myth = we arrived at 7 expecting a queue.
fact = no queue

myth = we walked into the venue expecting to stand and wait around.
fact = starhub gave out bottles of water and funky ground mats. seriously. everyone was sitting around.

fact = pre-show music was a lot of country. we went WTF very often

myth = we expected to maybe stand really far at the back as we are not screamy fangirls
fact = when the show started we went to the front coz everyone else was still sitting around. we ended up 3 people from the front. WTF.

myth = i wanted to stand in front of daniel estrin. f-ing guitar hero he is
fact= we were on new bassist, Josh Morceau's side. apparently people throw their underwear at him.

myth = i thought Josh wasn't cute at first
fact = shit at one point of the show, we waved at him? and then he turned to the girls next to us (ang mohs, of course), and he waved back?

myth = we thought it was injust that he didn't wave back the first time at US.
fact = so we did it again. f- he waved back and smiled

fact = if the boy smiles at me one more time i might punch his face because it is unlawful for something to be that cute.

myth = we expected they'd play a lot of new material
fact = they played a lot of old material. stuff like crawling in the dark, running away, never there, pieces (that, was a damn good song), the reason, out of control etc. i can't remember. old stuff is good stuff. the best stuff, for me, actually.

myth = the first of me is a bad song
fact = the first of me is a bad song

myth = more than a memory is a good song
fact = more than a memory is a good song; and Josh Morceau plays an electric double bass that got Momin fainting. almost. yes. lol.

myth = the reason is the karaoke song from hell
fact = the reason is the karaoke song from hell

myth = lots of people only know the new album
fact = lots of people only known the new album; the girl next to momin doesn't know how to sing The Reason. she DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SING THE REASON.

myth = the band never notices you at a concert
fact = due to our strange antics and maybe because none of our hands were down very long during the concert; Josh DID notice us. and the post show give aways; Josh tried to throw something at min and missed, and i was like, was he throwing that HERE?? and the second time he threw the bottle HE THREW IT AT HER. omg, i couldn't breathe for her. but people in front had hands that were way too long. shit. wtf. i hate them. *hugs min*.

myth = i thought when i see Daniel Estrin i would be standing up
fact = post concert, we scared Melvin (from opening act The Sexy) with a round of introductions. ahahh. we were at the wrong side of the tent; we weren't near the exit where the band would do signings, and so we watched their shadows play frisbee in the tent. Doug came out to sign stuff. Every girl was screaming for Josh. I laughed and got tired and sat down after he came out. Ko and Min tried to get him to come over.

A couple of minutes i grabbd a spare ground mat and lay down on the ground. i had 6 hrs of sleep the night before okay kthxbye. anyway, so ko and min are like, shit, Josh is never going to come over, i'm nodding off and Min goes "Lynn! Dan, Dan!" or something like that. I go, "what?" sit up, and it took me a freaking LONG WHILE to notice that Daniel Estrin and Chris Hesse are walking out through the BACK so that they won't have to sign autographs, and i'm sitting on my bum and i think i went 'Bye Dan!'.

myth = truth sets in later
fact = AND I WENT OMG in the taxi. Daniel Estrin walked past me. WALKED PAST ME. and all i could say was, "Oh, yea, bye Dan!".

irony = i wanted to see Dan but i didn't end up on his side during the show; but Mo fell in love with the boy on our side of the stage, he threw her stuff but she couldn't catch it; we wanted to find him but we ended up at the wrong side; and Dan ended up walking past me and i was sleeping. WTF. hahaha.

but all things aside. Hoobastank is REALLY GOOD live; Doug sings like, woah. he means every word he sings and you can almost believe it when he sings "we were born to lead!!" like it's the last thing he'll ever sing and it's so important you have to KNOW. straight up rock. good stuff, good stuff.

concert, music

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