Aug 13, 2004 22:15
--? Me ?--
[-name-] Bobby Burch
[-nicknames-] BOBBY! God
[-birthday-] August 4th, 1987
[-astrological sign-] Leo WOOO
[-location-] Toga, yo.
[-eye color-] Varies, Blue-Grey to Blue-Green.
[-height-] 5'9?
[-status-] Taken, Long-Term relationship
[-siblings-] Brother
[-pets-] One slightly overweight dog. :)
[-nationality-] Don't know.. German, and others.
[-kids of your own-] Atticus and Princess Sophia or something. Don't ask
-? favoritez ?-
[-color-] I don't really know, blue? Steel Blue.
[-number-] 13
[-soda-] Water, please.
[-band-] Right now I really like Modest Mouse and Boxcar, Brand New and Dashboard.
[-song-] Too many.
[-magazine-] None!
[-fast food-] Subway.
[-restaurant-] Friendlys?
[-candy-] Uhh... I don't know
[-color to wear-] Black
[-clothes-] Jeans and a Shirt
[-shoes-] DC's
[-hairstyle-] Messy
[-actress-] Whatever
[-actor-] Brad Pitt. He seems so.. cool, I want to be his friend he seems nice. Or Keanu Reeves.
[-movie character-] Neo!
[-TV shows?-] ATHF, Family Guy, Seinfeld
[-childhood TV show-] Power Rangers
[-sleeping position-] On my left side
[-animal-] Don't know
[-lyrics-] Hmm.. Right now, it's the whole song "Bukowski" by Modest Mouse
[-room in your house-] My room
[-favorite object in your room-] My computer
-? do you... ?-
[-color your hair-] No
[-have tattoos-] No
[-piercings-] 1?
[-cheat on tests/homework?-] NO!
[-drink/smoke-] I don't drink. I smoke really really rarely.
[-like roller coasters-] Yes!
[-want more piercings-] Yes
[-like cleaning?-] Kind of :/
[-write in cursive or print-] Print
[-swear a lot-] Fuck yeah
[-diet-] I did for a while
-? have u ever.. ?-
[-kicked someone in the nuts-] Yeah
[-stolen anything-] Yeah
[-cheated on someone-] Yeah
[-cried over a girl-] Yeah
[-lied to someone-] Yeah
[-been in love-] Yeah
[-fallen for your best friend-] I don't think
[-made out with JUST a friend-] Yeah
[-been in lust-] Yeah
[-used someone-] ..No
[-been used-] Yes
-? last person who.. ?-
[-slept in your bed-] Besides me? Bryan slept with me last night
[-saw you cry-] Saw me cry? Uhh... Allison I think
[-made you cry-] Allison (Not in a bad way)
[-you shared a drink with-] Timmy about an hour ago
[-you went to the movies with-] Allison and Jess and Jacina
[-yelled at you-] My dad?
[-sent you an email-] My brother
-? have u ever... ?-
[-been to New York-] Yes?
[-been to Florida-] No... :(
[-california-] No
[-hawaii-] No
[-mexico-] No
[-china-] No
[-japan-] No
[-canada-] No
-? other ?-
[-red or blue-] Blue
[-math or english-] English
[-radio or CD-] Cd
[-What was the last food you ate?-] Cheddar Pretzels mmmm...
[-are you bored-] Fuckk yeah.
[-last movie you saw-] I watched FMJ last night I think
[-last noise you heard-] Brand New - Jaws Theme Swimming
-? your health ?-
[-Have you been hospitalized-] Yeah
[-Have you had a broken bone-] Yeah
[-Do you have any serious physical health problems-] No
[-Are you on medication-] No
[-Do you have any mental health issues-] No
[-Do you see a psychologist or take ant-depressants, or seek professional help?-] No
-? are you... ?-
[-Happy-] Yes
[-Sad-] Yes
[-Bored-] Yes
[-Confused-] No
[-Tired-] Yes
[-Mad-] Yes
[-Pissed] Isn't that the same as mad?
-? tha friendz ?-
[-Best Friend-] Bryan, Timmy
[-Biggest Nerd-] Bryan
[-Biggest Flirt-] ...Kar haha
[-tha Idiot-] I don't know
[-Craziest-] Timmy
[-Stupidest-] Timmy
[-Biggest Dork-] ALLISON
-? few more questionz ?-
[-Last time you went out of the state-] Forgot
[-Last time you were outside-] About an hour ago
[-You had a snowball fight-] Haha a while ago
[-Last time you were listening to music-] Now
[-Last time you were on the internet-] Now
[-Last time you ate-] Like 20 minutes ago
[-Last time you drank-] About 2 minutes ago
[-Last time you jump in front of a moving car-] ...Never
[-Last time you watch tv-] This morning
[-Last public place you were-] Mall
[-Last things you bought-] Axe haha
[-Last person you hugged-] Allison
[-Last person that told you they love you-] Allison
[-Last person you told you love them-] Allison
[-Last person you IM`d-] Kat
[-Last person you called-] Hahaha don't even remember
[-Number of pillows you sleep w.-] 2
[-Object you can not live w.out-] My Allison HAHAHA
[-Things you like in a girl-] Rule 1 - Must be Allison Chansky or an exact clone
[-Worst feeling in the world-] The feeling right now that Allison is gone for 2 weeks
[-The first thing you think of in tha mornin-] I wonder "what am I doing today?"
[-Thing you want to change about yourself-] Nothing hahaha
[-Did you have fun doing this-] Nope, not at all.